Monday, August 19, 2024

River float & wiener roast wrap-up

I woke up at 5:30 and couldn't fall back asleep until almost 7. S was busy grinding coffee and feeding the cats before 8, with doors opening and closing. It seems we're all awake now, LOL. Everyone quietly browsed their devices until 9, when we started making breakfast.

Dave ventured out after 10 retrieving my paint parcel that had been delivered at the gate on his way. He kindly brought us iced coffees, which we greatly appreciated—thank you! Aislyn helped him feed the horses and snuggled with Jenkins of course. I convinced the other two to put away their devices for a moment and join us outdoors in the glorious sunshine, with temperatures already at 24 degrees Celsius. Archie managed to catch two moths barehanded. They soon returned to the house, while Dave and Sheldon had a pleasant conversation in the shade, and I deadheaded roses. The trio of dogs kept us company, and Aislyn stayed occupied by feeding the horses dandelions and grass, dispensing hugs as she usually does.

Once Dave headed off to work, Harley was fed and we all came inside. Lunch was had then sunscreen applied and swimsuits put on. Dogs were taken out for a pee while S loaded chairs, drinks and such.

We loaded into the truck, leaving the dogs behind, and set out at 1 PM. Our first errand was a trip to town for life jackets, water bottles, and hats before heading to the river. After acquiring our gear, we embarked on our river adventure. The children were initially reluctant to float, but they quickly became confident, navigating the river on their own. It was an exceptional day to be in and on the water, with temperatures soaring above 30 degrees.

Ais ventured out but changed her mind to go on the float staying with me and floating in the shallows

Archie found a can in the grass so doing their environmental deed floated back down and dropped cans at the truck. He also invented the diet coke floatation addition

Aislyn blew up the empty logo squeeze containers to add to her jacket

Ada found this rock she named Harley - cause it was slimy :)

Several fishing boats passed by as we enjoyed our aquatic adventures, accompanied by intermittent winds. Ais and I carried all the dry items back to the truck as it began to drizzle, while the three others opted for the water route back. As we packed up, the two others decided on one last float. Crossing the creek necessitated a 4X4 in each direction, which was slightly more challenging than usual.

Back at the ranch, raindrops fell, but soon the sun emerged in full force. The trio of dogs were let outside, and the four swimmers headed for a soak in the hot tub. The arborist delivered two more loads and lent us a log splitter to chop them up to dry.

We ignited a fire for our hot dog roast dinner, marking the start of another splendid evening. The kids helped uncle load wood and brought over too. Dave and Brit arrived after 7:30. While B took care of feeding, Dave caught Beibs for the children's rides. The kids participated in grooming before being harnessed to the cart. The two youngest went first, with Ada impressively sweeping the barn floor and filling the hay bucket by herself—much appreciated! After her solo turn, the others joined in for a big loop around the property's edge.

Momentous for Cooper coming TO the kids for pets

Jenkins however is always willing to be hugged

Then, it was time for the marshmallow roast. The limit was five per person tonight to finish the bag, but they also made some for Dave, Brittany, and Sheldon. S paddock bladed the house paddock while the marshmallows cooked and had his once done. B, D, and C left around 9:30, and Amanda, Craig, and Asher joined us about a half-hour later after unloading their vehicle after the 12 hour drive home. Asher also roasted some marshmallows. Everything was packed up, and the Paetz family headed home around 10:30. It's been a busy five days with the young Paetz's, filled with entertaining moments and plenty of memories. Afterward, I took a shower and started a new book from the library while S showered and browsed the internet.

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