Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Jenkin's has another abscess

The day began smoky and cool, with the smoke lingering for most of it. This created the ideal conditions for me to tackle projects in the garage and S to work on the chicken coop. He delivered a pile of dill to the gate for two ladies who wanted it. In return, one of them gave me a jar of pickled beets—delicious! I applied a coat of primer to the four chairs, then brushed away the drips and smoothed out the remaining primer from in the spray cup. Cleaning the sprayer was up next.

S came home for lunch and called me from the workshop. Shortly after, B arrived to feed the mares and foals and distribute hay to the others. I sorted all my transfers and decoupage papers, choosing which to use for my next project. S returned to Matt's but was back soon to head into town and purchase a new reciprocating saw.

Sharon was out at 1 to collect Timba's tack and to take Britt examine Zelos's lameness. Meanwhile, I returned to my projects. I began by scraping and then sanding the small dresser I recently acquired, but the veneer unexpectedly burned through in a raised spot. The alternative plan is to paint the entire piece. I selected a teal blue that complements a kaleidoscope transfer. After cleaning and lightly sanding, I applied a coat of the teal paint.

Wishing the Boysis family safe travels as they fly east at 1:30 to visit Shaina and Matt. It's sure to be an exciting adventure. Warm hugs to everyone.

Renn on the plane, what does a little person find on the plane floors?

I completed painting the small dresser just after 4:30, fed Harley, and then went out to the garden. The weather is sunny with a temperature of now 26 degrees. I harvested beets, carrots, and two kohlrabis. After all the effort of squishing worms and trapping moths, I finally got two. S returned from Matt's while I was watering the front planters and the raised beds. I prepared the vegetables and realized I needed an onion. As I went to fetch it, I noticed the trailer's A/C was on. I had heard it yesterday and texted S, who was arriving just as I was getting potatoes ready for prep, and I assumed he would turn it off. It turns out he didn't, so the trailer has been cold for two days. And here he is, concerned about me doing laundry on a sunny day. ;(

S installed the new box grader blades and tested them by running up and down the road. Meanwhile, I caught up on some blog reading until he returned around 7, after which I started preparing dinner.

Dinner was served in courses - starting with fried new potatoes and sautéed beet leaves, followed by salmon, then fresh cooked beets, and finally the fresh Johnson corn that S picked up when in town. It was all quite delicious. Later, B was back out and picked Jenkins up, who suddenly cried out. He had another bite and an abscess, this time on his back right leg. Applying a hot compress caused it to burst. We worked together to drain as much as possible, and fortunately, I had some antibiotics left from the last incident to begin treatment.

OWW!! poor leg

She and I took a ride, but first, I trimmed Switch's front hooves. S had a friend come by with a trailer of Uncle Jerry's that he plans to park at the entrance for selling. Dave arrived while we were riding to feed his mares. Once back at the barn, I removed the tack, treated old wounds, applied hoof oil, and then let Switch graze while the others were fed. Dave and Sheldon took a ride in the ranger to the gate to inspect the trailer, which was followed by a necessary fence repair at the paddock gate B found.

Dave left, and Britt and I resumed shaving J's leg after applying another hot compress. Drained, we left him and Stella in the garage overnight. S took a shower while I finished and published another blog post, attempting to catch up. We concluded the day watching "American Playboy" and savoring the last of the fresh cherries.

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