Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Chairs spray painted

Cooper entered through the garage door at 8:15 and quickly joined us in bed, with Harley settling on the carpet. S brewed coffee for us to savor in bed while we played Flow and browsed the internet for him and Instagram for me. I tackled some accounting tasks before venturing out to spray paint the chairs black, which is indeed quicker than using a brush. I completed four chairs and left them to dry, breaking for lunch. S went out and scooped the manure from last nights pile into the truck and trailer he pulled in to the paddock as well then paddock bladed the middle pasture.

This little girls has the most patient dogs... her life goal is to clip on their leashes :)

After lunch, I returned to the workshop. Not sure why but I began working on two more chairs, intending to use the leftover black paint. They needed to be scrubbed and filled with wood filler first. S scooped the last of the manure into the dump trailer and took it to the pit. He got a whole dump trailer full. The chairs were sanded, and the small dresser received a third coat of sealer. I started spraying the two new chairs, but I ran out of paint. After rummaging through my boxes, I found another can.

S returned to the house to relax in big brown, so I had him help me carry the dresser out of the painting area. He resumed his search for items on the marketplace. I mixed more paint and finished spraying them up, leaving them all to dry well today.

It was now past 4 o'clock, and S had loaded the last three bales for Dave onto the dump trailer, seeing it was already hitched. Together, we went to deliver them and to check out the new place. It was an intriguing spot with great potential, but it definitely needed a lot of work. We enjoyed some cold drinks in the sunshine, chatting with Dave, Donny (the track resident and hockey goalie), and Randy (one of Dave’s friends and a great helper). After wrapping up, we headed home after 7.

Woody has his own fan as he hates flies

Fortunately, I had chicken kabobs ready for dinner, so I just needed to fry the leftover potatoes and warm up the leftover cabbage. I also harvested fresh carrots and an onion to accompany the meal. I remembered to pack up the potatoes I dug up for AJ yesterday but forgot to give them to her, oops. It was a delicious, though somewhat late, supper.

Britt and Dave were out by 8:30 to feed while I was feeding the carrot tops to horses. We chatted as we watched the foals, Jenkins and Harley. They always provide great entertainment, this motley crew. Britt and I offered to jog a horse each for Dave tomorrow. Then they loaded up Cooper and set off for home. S and I enjoyed a hot tub session before relaxing in bed. I wrote today's blog post and completed yesterday's while he browsed his favorite X site with an ice cream treat. He fell asleep and I read for a bit before shutting off the light, goodnight!

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