Saturday, November 4, 2023

Church fundraiser

Gloomy Saturday overcast but warm. The snow is soaking in leaving bare patches ;( Breakfast for the prince was hefty today; toad in holes with melted cheese and fresh tomato on the side. Time to get to work on some projects. I put stripper on the new coffee table sourced. while it sat the custom cabinet was scrubbed. These pieces are so dirty. Cleaning them is so satisfying.

After the pieces were wiped dry I glued the drawer together, clamped and set the gallon of paint on to flatten the bowed drawer bottom. B arrived during this process. she left Cooper, unloaded a pile of stuff out of her car then off to town to wash it. Sheldon had gone out to organize his shop a bit then brought a load of wood to burn inside to the deck. He gave Har her first bison leg.

I scraped the coffee table top. I love when stripper works. I left some on the edge still stuck.

I met S inside for a cold brew. I grilled us some grilled cheese sandwiches. He added to hot wings and other leftovers. I was back out to finish the table top. After scraping it I neutralized the stripper and scrubbed the base.

Kaylin, Renn and Shaina drove to Red Deer today to Sasha W's baby shower. Above is 5 of the "kids" who used to play together with their kids.

B was back around 2:30. I backed out my car so we could drive in and continue her cleaning inside her car. Not sure the jetta has been so clean. It seems the "new" door would not open from inside. S took apart and found he forgot to hook up the cable. I started sanding the pieces a bit.

Time to get ready for our evening out. We left B sorting her car stuff removed boxes. A quick stop at the bank to grab cash then we headed to the civic center. 

S's donation that went for $500

Tonight is the Catholic church fundraiser. It was an evening of guitar entertainment, silent and live auctions along with a beef supper and other raffles. They decided table eating order by the amount of $$ the table paid. I think our table was 6th in line. S bid on lots but ended up with nothing. I bought a left over pumpkin pie for $5. We were back home before 11. Harley was taken out for a pee break. We watched 1 1/2 Bodies episodes.

the lights at night

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