Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Another bison meat run

a few photos and videos I am not sure I shared of our sweet Renn

this out take from Halloween, heating the pumpkin with warm water was the suggestion from Auntie Manda after photo

a few videos too, she is getting more handsy and chewy now

We were up early getting ready to head east. Coffee and porridge for S while I fed H and got her out quick. B will come check on her today when she feeds Bird and feed Har supper too. We were out of the yard just after 8:30. Snow started to come down about 30 minutes out and increased as we went. S has been wanting to buy pheasant & turkey feathers for his bison heads. Be darned if we did not pass a turkey farm and a couple pheasants on the side of the road. A few deer, a red fox were other wildlife seen along the route.

The roads were super icy. We slide into the Youngstown intersection road then slid completely across the 570/Oyen one. S dropped me at Dad's new place just before noon. He continued on to Kindersley to deliver the high chair and pick up bison. Mom was there too. It was nice to see the food looked so much better then last time. Dad ate it all and his dessert too. Back in his room I gave him an intense manicure. One poor thumb nail needed allot of trimming but I hope it helps. The nurses then used the sling to get him into bed for a nap as he was tuckered. It is quite the handy lifter.

We left him to nap and went for lunch downtown. Thanks for the soup, sandwich and pie lunch Mom. Mom picked up the meds Steve brought back along with yarn Jamie dropped for AJ at Craig's sisters. We stopped then at Napa where I got S's truck filters and Mom had tires checked. She took me to UFA to meet Sheldon who was filling with fuel again. He filled on his way to Kindersley. On route home he delivered to 2 guys. We parked at the legion at 3:29 (the meet was to be 3:30). Soon 2 guys arrived to pick up more bags. Not long after Jamie arrived with our beef. We split one with AJ and C. Once loaded and a short visit we hit the road heading home at 4.

The roads were same crappy snow covered till the river bottom. Things got a bit better then. We arrived home at 7:15. Har was excited we were back. Minutes ahead of the first buyer. She was the bride from the wedding we attended this summer. She took 2 bags for others as well. THANKS Diane. She came in for a visit and shared news they were expecting. Craig was out to get his beef and bison burger. He came in for a visit too and tried the sinnamon whiskey. He too was a fan. Another buyer arrived so both boys loaded him up. Craig headed for home after 10. 

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