Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Unbelievable weather

I saw another beautiful sunrise when Harley was put in garage at 7:50. Dave was out to hook up to the dump trailer for his bales at 8:30 as I was feeding her. Then after coffee and marketing (Did you see the big celebration day post? The blog loads in chronological order not date created) it was cleanup day. Laundry continues, dusting, tidying, sinks cleaned with S helping out cleaning a couple sinks and toilets and he gave the new vacuum a rip around too.

I ran to town after 11 to meet Sharon and Coreena to celebrate C's birthday from back in August. It took a while for us all to have the same free day and lots to catch up taking 3 hours. Back at the ranch the neighbor brought over meat for H but mainly fish which S refused some of as thawed and stinky. I went to get Cooper but found out B had day off so grabbed cat food and milk and headed home by 3. S was putting up the string of Christmas lights along the paddock rail and had put up the other half of the snow fence. 

I got changed and got started painting the rulers; one grey one white after putting butta on the table mechanism. B arrived not long after me and did horse stuff. She was upset having just had dental work done but did not realize she had used all her dental benefits earlier in the year with her wisdom teeth removal and had to pay $700 for a cleaning and a filling, poor girl. School does not teach this she says along with so much other life information. She headed home around 4. S ran to town after I fed H a piece of salmon taking the stinky trash to the dump, he also grabbed some milk (not seeing I had) and veggies to go with steak he took out for supper and was back before 5.

I had moved the table leaves in but once S was back, I had him help me move the light stained table downstairs and our tabletop in. Getting the legs on was a bugger with the paint tightening the areas up. While I worked on that S prepped his steak and veggies. Finally, I had success with a bit of help with him holding the table for the last leg. I have yet to dark wax the legs but will do now all set up tomorrow.

S tried cooking mashed potato patties on the barbeque but like Britt learned that was not the way. His roasted veggies and steak were very good though. Thanks for the meal S, appreciate that. I put the cats away for the night then washed up the pots and pans for supper while S relaxed in big brown. Hockey starts tonight so he got watching that while I worked on the blog. Mom arrived at 8, had a bowl of soup and ice cream as S had his with apple crisp and visited. I made up a sourdough loaf and left to proof overnight. We all headed to bed, S and I watched another Animal Kingdom episode.

This still baffles me why this amount remains after a load

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