Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Comedy date night

H wanted out in the night again oddly then went to the garage where I filled her water dish too then back to bed. There were some crazy dreams involving water and getting safely thru, thanks Wild Croc show. We managed to sleep then till 8:30 when S turned on the coffee and let cats out while I fed H with a search and find in the grass. Time to get to work on Sunday's big blog. There are loads of pictures and videos for your enjoyment. S did online stuff as well before heading out after 11 to prep for Jarrod's bale guy to arrive. Once he did it was time to load the 25 bales for the bison.

I headed out to paint the vanity a coat of white after sanding the primer coat. I finished up the white coat and came in to make a salad and tuna sandwiches after 1. S finished the bale loading and joined me for lunch. I got back to the blog and he went to grade the yard and road now that all bales were gone. When he finished grading, he and I took Harley out and we along with Stella went for a walk to show him the crazy poop on a post. It was another beauty day at 24 degrees.

Last 3 bales loaded with Johnny

thirsty ponies.. ;)

Back inside I finally got the Sunday blog finished and S napped before we had to get ready to head to the city. Tonight is Investors Group comedy night. We dressed up, me in an actual dress after shaving my legs seeing it is so nice out. I fed H her supper before we left.

We headed to the city thinking we would eat at Chop or State and Main at Chinook mall but found both had closed, wow!! We then checked Open Sesame and other favorite and it no longer exists either. Shaina had text as we were looking having been offered a ticket to the show as Amanda's cough was worse and she could not make it. We met her downtown and after circling the area multiple times we parked about half a mile away where Dude parked and walked. We stopped to eat the Warehouse; a bar where Kaylin used to work on Stephen's avenue mall. Sadly the lady wanting the dining table and planned to pick up tomorrow had her husband decline coming this far ;(

We got to the Jack Singer concert hall to meet Craig and Steve and the rest attending. Steve kindly bought us a cocktail and we visited for a bit before heading in. We also ran into Plant's for a short visit before finding our seats. There were lots of laughs with the 3 comedians, Once over we said our goodbyes and walked back to our vehicles. Dude was off north west and use east arriving home by 11. We watched an episode of The Wild Croc Territory before lights out.

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