Monday, October 3, 2022

Supper with birthday girl

Beauty sunrise letting H out this am. The usual coffee, dogs feeding and cats let out. 

watch 20 pound Lexi boss 130 pound Harley video, speaking of videos I forgot to add a couple of our ride yesterday so have added. Videos can only be viewed on website and are not on email option

With my second coffee I wrote a Hometalk post for Shaina's lamp while S perused the online news in big brown. Laundry was started then S and I went out to moved the furniture, I swept, S lowered the hoist and put the fireball away for the winter. Once it was back up the furniture was put back under and we hauled in the dresser for a few photos. Back to computer work for me and laptop /phone stuff for the prince.

I also took one of both stools

After lunch I was off to the garage to paint the table base a warm white. After his rest S went out in the 22 sunshine and ran a string of hot wire along the snow fence Pepper keeps rubbing on. 

The rocking chair was picked up just before 3. The gal brought items she is adding to it for Christmas as well so I staged a few pictures, isn't it adorable?

S and I headed to town with the first stop to visit Dad. He had a new cut on his finger that no one knew how it happened, sheesh. S put footrests on a wheelchair in Dad's room where I wheeled him back to change his sweater and swap out wheelchairs. Then we went for an hour walk in the 23-degree sunshine. Dad started out awake and answering questions but by the end he was sound asleep. We left him napping in the sunshine of the dining room window at 4:15.

S dropped me at my 4:30 dental appointment a bit early but it took half an hour to be seen. He ran and got mouse traps and checked for oil filters then back to pick me up by 5:15. We stopped quick to grab some groceries then headed home.

S put mouse traps in the trailer as I heated the chili and put groceries away, fed the dogs then did computer work till Kaylin, Nathan and Beans arrived before 6:30. The pups had a great play while we ate and visited. B arrived at her usual time around 7:15 and fed finishing just as the Calgarians were leaving after 7:30. B came in to visit for a bit then headed home. I finished some computer work before moving to bed to watch some mor of For Love that we started Friday on Truth and Reconciliation day till S was done his sports. We then watched a couple more Dahmer, oh so creepy.

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