Thursday, October 20, 2022

Horse chiro day

After our coffee and pet care I got to work on marketing and getting the bar stool tutorial posted and shared. S was on his laptop in big brown catching up with an IG call with Craig at 10:30. The weather was awful with wind howling and cool temperature. We had hoped to take the ranger out today in the mountains but no way. Time for me to get the vanity finished; clear wax was rubbed all over, butta added to drawer slides and all the grey wax details done. The hardware was up next to be polished. The knobs needed to sit for a bit with a second coat. I took a break to come in to chat with S while he grilled a cheese and onion sandwich with a couple fried eggs on the side. I skipped out on his offer to make me this meal having PB and honey toast.

Back out to the garage to finish polishing the knobs and putting the hardware on. This baby is now complete! I hauled the mirror inside and cleaned it ready for help with moving vanity in. S went out to work on the deck edge but found the wood he picked up last night was not enough. He headed to town to get some more boards. It hit a high of 15 with just a brief peek of the sun.

I started painting the table a charcoal color I have yet to try. B arrived with Coop and got the horses in just in time for Dr Jordan's vet visit at 2. They did chiro on Pepper and Bird then Pepper had his teeth done. I finished up the table at 3 and went out to see progress.

It was Switch's turn so I caught her so she could have her chiro and acupuncture with tens machine. Bird had her needles out and put back out then Roo was brought in for hers. Dr Jordan also adjusted Harley who loved it. Jordan was off at 4 as we let the horses out all except the still drugged Pepper. B had brought me a tea which I heated and we visited for a short bit then she went to feed the 2 horses and headed home for the rest of her day off.

I was back out sanding the table parts lightly and feed H. S called having truck issues driving home, oh no. He limped into the yard, parked the truck and hit the YouTube. I cooked up some spaghetti for supper. S tried one of the suggestion solutions and it seemed to work, after eating he took the truck for a drive to get the mail and it worked perfect; loose fuel filter housing. He was back to big brown and a hockey game while I caught up the blogs with a cup of tea then put the cats to bed with some soft food. The nights are getting brrr now. No hot tub as S was watching hockey but Flames game not televised so watched Oilers. He moved to the bed where he muted the game as we continued watching Wild Croc Territory, this is quite a job ;) He was able to watch the last live 5 minutes of his Flames as we paused the show.

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