Sunday, October 2, 2022

K bday & 1st horse trail ride in mountains of the year

last year pics of our beautiful girl

Sun was burning thru the foggy haze of this birthday Sunday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kaylin Melissa XOXOXO I fed H and got Lexi fresh water and got the coffee going. I did some marketing after a couple brain games. S let the boys out after his 2nd coffee at the crack of 9:30 :)

B and I are going trail riding today so I packed up some cold drinks and a few snacks, B is getting us lunch. I loaded my tack and opened the horse trailer windows and loading door. I then finished the grey waxing on the dresser while I waited for her to arrive. S ran the vacuum around to get the excess dog hair, thank you!

B was here around 11, we caught the 2 horses, loaded them and on the road before 11:30. Sheldon is in charge of all 3 dogs for the day. He also was watering trees and headed to town to meet a buddy for nacho and beers. I had gotten him out burger for him to make chili too and made a fresh batch of homemade chilli seasoning. B and I arrived at Bragg Creek and had the girls unloaded, tacked up and on the trail by 1 pm. B ate her sub in the truck but I had mine along the trail. It was now a gorgeous 22 all sun day!

B explaining the root monsters to Roo

2 video views of our amazing ride

We made a 6 mile journey around the forest encountering many hikers, bikers, dogs and rowdy kids. There were cows there to greet us, on the trail and then again at our trailer when we arrived back after 3. 

After we untacked we walked them back to the water and B even carried a bucket back to the trailer but they were not thirsty. We loaded up and made our way east with a few more lunch treats packed by B, THANK YOU! we pulled into the yard by 5 where S was watering trees and greeted by the dogs. We hosed the girls and let them eat a bit of grass before releasing while S backed in the trailer. I cleaned out the poop and closed up all windows. B fed the 2 horses and she and Coop headed home in short order.

Time for a cold beer and bit of marketing while S finished cleaning up watering pumps etc. His chili smelled really tasty and it was enjoyed at 6 along with the news. I got to work loading photos as S continued to water in trees. I also hauled up the stools for sale to snap a pic for a potential buyer but they were too short for her island.

A great photo of the birthday girl and her roomies at dinner in Seattle

We had a sunset hot tub soak. Lexi had a horse apple tour and grass while we did so so she slept in H's kennel for the night to avoid puke in the bed. Showers and into the cozy bed where I finished the Sellin OC season and S watched more football. We then started Dahmer.. yikes that is one disturbed individual!

look closely can you see the 3 UFO'S

then the horses came to say hi, hard to see in such an amazing sunset sky

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