Sunday, August 7, 2022

White water rafting adventure

I awoke at 5:06 before my alarm went off at 5:15. Rise and shine and get packed up for our white water rafting day; a birthday trip for S from his girls. I packed a cooler and snacks and our swim gear and fed Harley waiting for B to arrive before 6. She was a bit behind but gave Roo her meds and let them out with the herd and we were off. Well at least to the gate for a quick turnaround to get S's towel. We drove thru Tim's in Langdon for breakfast arriving at the girls place by 7 am. they were running a bit behind but soon we were on our way with 3 in Shaina's jeep ahead of us arriving at 8 am at the Chinook Rafting Co.

Check in, orientation, equipment dispersal and putting it on were up next. The bus ride was about 20 minutes to the drop point then a hike down to the awaiting rafts. A safety talk was next followed by instructions for on the water and in the raft with our guide. We set off down the river after 9:30. 

It was a wild and wet adventure with a cliff jumping stop too. Sheldon did both high and low jumps with Shaina joining him for high and Nathan for low. 

At the end of the tour we all hauled our raft to the top of the steep hill on the Nakota reserve got back on the bus and reversed the order. After dressed in dry clothes they offered beverages and light snacks. It was a great birthday gift ideas girls!!

We all stopped at a small lake for a beverage and some sun after 12 then off to our reservation at Grizzly Paw's Tank 310 for 1. A delicious meal and visit was enjoyed with beautiful 25+ weather.

A car wash was up next then the 2 vehicles parted ways as we took the 1A back to the city thru Cochrane for a scenic tour. B slept and I occasionally dozed after so many long days. We arrived home before 5 to a couple happy dogs. H was super hungry of course :)

I tried to finish and post day 2 of running with bulls before we left but I had a long video that needed to be compressed. Once home I compressed it and finished that day blog post. S hit the couch for a nap and B went home after letting horses out to graze in the far paddock for a bit in the 30 degree heat.

After his nap S headed down to bale the hay before 6:30 while I watered plants and put a clear coat on the chair seat. I posted it the other night and had a gal reply in an hour and coming tomorrow. B was out at 7:30 to do more horse things. Work was continued on the last ATV camp post, so many videos and photos. I cooked up some hamburger then spiraled some zucchini for a late supper. I had a bowl before the prince was home before 9 from his custom baling job to join me.

We headed out around 10 for a hot tub soak on a beautifully clear evening. Showers and relaxing in bed wrapped up this very long but fun filled day.

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