Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Mani/pedi treat

Awake before 8:30 I was up hoping to beat the heat. Paetz's had given H frozen meat so I had thawed a huge 10 lb log of burger. This am I divided it into yogurt tubs for her next few meals. The blog for day 2 of our camp trip was posted after a video added. Switch had her meds given then all the horses released into the far paddock. Time to finish my garden watering and leaf pruning as well as cutting off the spent rose buds and pulling of weeds around the back patio. we never did get new chips to add to the beds and feels like summer is nearing the end so will wait till next year.

Inside S was up now and made coffee. I had one with him as I folded the last of the laundry loads and chopped up the Japanese salad. After his breakfast S was off to clean hot tub filters and trouble shoot his baler that may be up for sale. He found all was good :) I worked on the back flower beds picking a couple buckets of dandelions and took to the horses. S did another gopher loop chatting with his bison partner while watching for critters.

After finishing the rotisserie chicken for lunch I put the bones on to make soup. I ran to town to help Dad with his lunch while S stayed back to wash the trailer after I helped him back it in on grass. He also weed ate an area in front of far shelter I found HUGE weeds in and cleaned hot tub filters. Dad was sleeping when I arrived so I heated his lunch and helped him finish it up. His throat seemed a bit scratchy from his recent Covid but he ate it all, dessert and I got him another glass of juice to help with his throat. I left him napping at 2 to head to my mani/pedi which was needed as the nails are tearing at the nail tip edges. Thanks for the bday treat Ma & Pa.

Next up was picking up Cooper, grabbing a jug of milk and a couple ice caps then heading to the ranch. S was just coming in from outside from pushing piles in the pit so perfect timing on a warm 26 day. I got back to working on the treasure box changing the top design. The soup was continued with veggies and such for supper. I then had an online 2 hour zoom meeting for cancer caregivers at 6:30 which was very informative and sad to hear so many cases. S chatted with a few peer support folks to get more personal experiences in his research and did listen to a bit of my meeting too.

Britt was out late to have soup and salad for supper then out to feed and lunge Roo. It was a beauty night as per another beautiful photo. After B headed home we went out for a late hot tub but again the bugs dive bomb the water so much we just did 15 min. Shower and off to our comfy bed where S watched more ball and TV and did online research and I finished the finale of Blown Away.

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