Monday, August 15, 2022

Trees pulled and pruned

Another usual start to the day but managed to weigh miss H who was over 128 but not sure exactly what as I could not lift her and S hurt his arm while doing so so could not wait till locked in number but she indeed has gained. Once we had coffee and S his cereal we headed out in the still cooler temps to prune back the poplar tree HARD! 

pass me the saw please sir!

remember before?

here is the after

S also pulled the totally dead poplar and the black hawthorne that did not make it from the Stout transplant last year. The last pull was a maple we planted that never made it. I trimmed the existing poplar that had aphids and a few of the ash trees before the heat picked up. Next up was watering the garden and planters, plucking leaves and finding many zucchinis. I also filled the pup pool for Cooper. S started the deck tank to water the poor dry trees slowly moving around thru the day and hosed H off. Happy cake day brother Dale!

tree pulling video

For lunch I made tuna sandwiches. Then I headed out to work on the stool while S had another zoom meeting at 12:30. I also primed 2 vases then started a square frame. The Bell technician was back for his equipment around 2. Moving on to take apart 3 more frames I tried to decide on what transfer to put on them and decided the peacock. However when the paint dried one the luan board it looked textured so changed my mind on the project.

S headed to town to his lab appointment at 3 and grabbed a few groceries. I asked earlier this week if he could plan, buy and make a few meals this week and today is supper #2. The story of the accident B saw finally was posted, good to hear the fellow is ok. All 4 frames were painted then I moved on to doing the "loose leaf" stool top.

S was back after 4 searching for his wallet. He was in quite a panic so I looked too. I had him go back thru the days since he had it and asked about all the obvious places. He was ready to cancel all his cards with one more look in his backpack and taadaa there it was. He was then able to concentrate on cooking his ribs, potatoes and zucchini on the BBQ.

2 missing trees on right row

After supper I went out to feed the horses and sort them for the night. This led to tree trimming the ash trees in back while S went to set up his shop stereo of Kaylin's we sourced in the trailer when she purged boxes. He also hung some sheds that were laying around and a few other tidy chores. The evening wrapped with sports watching in bed for S and me watching The Wilds with headphones till midnight.

missing tree lower front of pic

Did you see Harley's new game?

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