Thursday, August 4, 2022

Brewery tour day

We awoke to the sounds of something banging on the trailer and once S went out in his gonch we sourced the squirrels were dropping green acorns to the ground. H went out for a quick pee then S back to bed till almost 10 and I played some games then made a chai latte to warm me up. It was brisk this am. I took H for a walk then back to the trailer where the prince was stirring. He made his coffee and came out to eat his cereal outside. I brought out my yogurt and while he was on the phone H took off after a squirrel with her leash hitting the table and dumping the full cereal/blueberry bowl and plopping him in his chair. It as funny to watch but the entire breakfast a waste. He waited for bowl #2 till after he was off the phone and grabbed a coffee too.

We packed up and headed off for a morning hike. We did the middle lake loop which took 3.4 miles in less then 2 hours. 

Back at camp at 12:30 it was lightly sprinkling while the sun was out. A cold drink and relax then I created some chicken Philly sandwiches. Bit of a learning curve to not heat but rather use the turned off heat to melt the cheese however S loved his crispy one :)  S had a nap in his reclining chair as did H while I caught up the blog.

After we loaded up H and headed to Canmore to do some touring. Taking a left we went to 1A but saw a dam and had to investigate. 

dam video below

We continued on to Canmore with first stop at a distillery called Wild Life. We each tried a flight of 4 gins with a tonic syrup side. They were ok but no where as good as the Flourish local gin I recently found and love. 

a flight of gin and below right a 3D glass of Lake Louise to scale!

Next we went to the end of the block to Sheepdog Brewing. They had a dog friendly patio which H joined us on. It was not long and a hail storm rolled in having us racing for the truck seeing we left windows and sunroof open. Harley even lept in without her ramp.

hail video

Canmore Brewing Company was next on our tour where  I tried a mule made with beer and S a pale ale. 

Our final destination was Grizzly Paw Brewery. This place has a restaurant where we sat at the bar and visited with the bartenders who were friendly with bonus beer tasting. We also order wings which were yum. H waited in the truck for these last 2. 

3 sisters looking stormy

Back at the trailer we enjoyed a beverage down at the rivers edge with the sun now coming out after the rainy dreary day then made burgers for supper. We followed this up with another walk along the river before putting H to bed then watched some animal kingdom heading to bed at 9 pm after our busy day.

S took this video of the squirrel hunter

Harley looks very interested in S's burger

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