Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Back to School Stool complete

S was up and getting coffee going and let dogs out after 7:30. He brought me a cup and prepped to go golfing. He also started water on the trees as I fed dogs. I went to let out horses as he was off to meet Nathan and Craig at the course for 9:20 tee off. It is going to be a hot one.

The dogs and I were back in the house where we spent the day. I snapped photos of the stool then continued work on Sunday's blog post loading videos and adding gold wax to the frames before my 10 am online zoom class. This one is a series running a couple hours every Wednesday morning. Once it ended I added bronze wax to the frames then moved the water to another tree as I had moved it before class.

After leftover lunch vacuuming and usual chores were up along with blog writing. Sunday was finished and posted. Moving to the garage the vase was painted a couple shades of white.

Finished tiles were photographed

The stool customer arrived just after 3:30 with Sheldon following her into the yard. She also delivered a couple bar stools she gifted me then loaded her stool which she loved. S started BBQ and put on roast I had out then hit big brown in the A/C after his day on the golf course. 

Nathan gave this lamp to S to bring to me, it is Shaina's who wants it painted black of course.

After a short visit he had a nap so I went out to dig new potatoes and found half a dozen more zucchinis. NOTE TO SELF, only plant 2 plants next year not 6.They were scrubbed and packaged up, zucchini prepped to sauté and a salad made to go with the well cooked roast by 6. Even on low when the outside temperature is 28 ish it cooks fast.

 We took the dogs for a walk after supper all around the perimeter also checking the north fence. A coyote popped out in front of us with Cooper setting out after him but soon was back. Back at the ranch I mixed up the horse food doing that and sorting them (which is a bugger in the new pen system) while S started tree watering again. The cats got dry food and fresh water refilled as S started a fire. It was a beauty night. This was followed up with a hot tub, shower and bed. The mornings and evenings are getting pretty predictable here at the ranch.

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