Thursday, August 11, 2022

Merc problems

It was another repeated morning with pet care for me and coffee for S followed by yet another healthcare zoom call for him. I worked on blog posts and writing the tea chest tutorial. I posted 2 blog posts today almost catching back up. S went out to check some things on the small baler after watching more videos and I to water the parched garden and flowers then scoop another wheelbarrow of horse poop. It is going to be a hot one today as it is 27 at 11 am already.

Nathan sent this beauty he found online :)

It was 29 at noon when we had some soup for lunch while S watched more videos. This square baler is a bugger. S had another call with his GP at 2. 

these are the gifted tables S picked up for me

B dropped cooper off on her way to the city having the day off as we were heading out the door at 2:30 for my lash appointment and S to run some errands. After he dropped me off her ran to drop off tools borrowed from a friend, do a deposit, get some truck windshield parts and baler twine then pick up a letter from his dr office. He picked me up just after 3 with a few more things on our to do list however as he stopped at the corner out of their yard the merc siezed up. That was it .. luckily the Dad of my lash gal brought a ratchet down and he took off the belt that released the siezed A/C compressor. 

He quickly drove it down the road but soon had to pull over and stop as overheating. It said 32 degrees on the dash and just did lots of driving with A/C on high. Another lucky thing was B was now back at home so she came out and picked us up from the stranded car. We looped thru DQ for a blizzard since it is miracle day then back to the ranch. B was off to ride Roo, S to hook up the round baler and head out and me to spend over an hour with bell seeing our dish was once again not working.

While on the phone I finished writing the tea chest tutorial and got it posted to places and sent to paint company. Only 2 more projects to get done this month :) After B was done her horse things her and Cooper went home. Sheldon stopped for a drink after 6 and still had not made 1 bale out of all the cut swaths. I went out with H to get her ball from that field and still he was going around.. all the swathing and baling for 1 bale makes it the world's most $$ bale :) And it turned out the repeated rolling thrashed all the leaves off making for a very stalky bale. He finished up after 7 and we had leftover supper with him getting a peer support call soon after. Once he finished up, I left my tutorial subscription error issues and we were off to town to retrieve the merc.

S drove like a bat out of hell to get the car to the auto shop with me following at the speed limit behind him. He even ran a red light as it started to sputter after dashboard went out but he made it. Back home I got back to troubleshooting and solved my issue but already had 4 unsubscribe. If you used to get my tutorials but have not recently it is due to a change in my RSS feed. Please subscribe on my blog page if you are not subscribed. S parked the truck and trailer and found the fridge had quit luckily only recently as things were just cool. He brought in the fridge goodies as I finished up computer work. No hot tub today with new lashes so off to bed. 

I had been mentioning quite a few times that there was a grey tank 2 that was slowly reading fuller on the trailer as we camped. S always said we did not have a tank 2 but after moving the trailer to park once again found a horrible smell suggested the sink traps were dry so googled. Sure enough there is a tank 2 so with a flashlight he went out and found the tank release and probably 30 gallons of stinky water rushed out!!! It looks like the stinky problem has been solved. Now it was relax in bed with me watching more Dream Home Makeovers and he online videos.

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