Friday, August 12, 2022

Dish FINALLY updated

It was yet another usual start to the day with animal care and coffee. I did give Switch her last dose of meds which hopefully help with her "flu". The morning was cool but sunny and seeming to heat up quick once again. I posted a couple blogs almost caught up to date then got busy vacuuming and washing the main floor. S had more phone calls including a baler trouble shooting call from cousin Keith. He also tried to clean the trailer toilet seal that will not hold water but no luck, time to order a new one. He also dumped the remnant hay out of the round baler in the paddock.

Just after our lunch of BBQ burgers the Bell technician arrived. This took many hours on the phone and in the end I just had to use Britt's address (ours is too new and not in system) and they could find a tech to come the next day. He changed out all the hardware and switches which hopefully will improve our reception. He finished up and was on his way at 2 as S was out moving things around the shop.

I went to the garage and started painting the custom stool white parts then did a bunch of tidying up and boxing of stuff for thrift store. Needing a break I took a cold beer to the prince at the shop who was replacing the quad trailer tub that we have had in storage since 2013!! We now have a new wagon again. We hung the wind chimes in a better spot and I cleared out the recyclable bottles adding to bags in storage shed. 

Back at the house I pulled all the dandelions in the front flower bed while S relaxed on GGK purple bench above then I gave to the horses who were in eating the hay. He helped me move them to the house paddock where they all ate the alfalfa scraps he dumped for about 45 minutes. He then ran to check the trees along the road and picked some foxtail to put in trash while I moved all the horses back to the middle and far paddocks then served a cold beverage on the deck for us.

Time to come in and cook a delicious salmon supper. We were just finishing u p when B and Coop were out around 7:30 to get a plate full. She then trimmed H toenails outside as I observed and S installed his new windshield spray parts. He was then off to the basement to watch ball with B feeding, trimming Beibs and me updating todays blog. B drew up the IM meds and I went with her to give to Bird and Pepper as I will be giving their last shots while she is gone.

Harley likes to think she is part of the herd

She was then off to lunge Roo while S and I had a tub. Lightening was off to the west and when I text the city girls they said it was a crazy storm in the city. B headed home, we showered up and relaxed in bed watching the lightening get closer but no rain ever came our way.

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