Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Second ride of the year

Coffee was made by S while I fed H then we relaxed in bed coming up with a plan for the day. S is taking some time off work not heading back up today as scheduled. Phone calls filled the morning along with looking for hockey tickets. The row 1 seats were over $2000 each! And bleeder seats over $400.. crazy!

B was out at noon having the day off as I was making spinach fruit salads. She had a hard boiled egg and waited for us to finish then she and I caught the horses and went for a ride. S did some putzing around the hot tub getting a different rug in place.

look at our pear tree blooming... it is the only one so no pears for us but it is good to see it survived

Once done the ride he and I got to work on the bison skulls. The painted one was clear sprayed and then rope added to 3 skulls. Each section was cut then I sewed both ends to prevent fraying and we hot glued around each horn. B and Coop headed home before 3 as we worked away and not long after they left the rain started as forecast. 

We finished and came in at 3:30 with S hitting big brown for a nap while I worked on uploading Flames photos and videos and worked on writing Shaina's desk tutorial. Rain increased at 4 and was done by 4:30. S was awoken by a work call following it up with a call with our naturopath. I finished up my computer work, fed H and once he was done we headed off to town where it was raining good to meet the Paetz's minus Ash who was not feeling well for Ada's 9th birthday supper. It was entertaining of course, THANK YOU!!

Before heading home we stopped to fill the slip tank which cost over $700 for 100 gallons (Dyed purple diesel is $1.518) The sun was out now making for a very lovely evening. Back at the ranch S looked for a rain gauge and I fed the cats and put them away before we came in before 9. Time for a hot tub soak, shower and relax in in bed with some hockey and Netflix. The wind started to pick up and a few sprinkles came down but the black sky towards town had Amanda confirming it was pouring there ;(

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