Monday, May 30, 2022

Misty start to a Monday and another vet visit

I woke at 7:30 to a misty windy day. H wanted out soon after so let her out then to kennel and back to bed for a bit to text with B then out to check and give KD meds. 

KD video update and below her way of relieving stress

Harley was fed next then time for a cup of coffee I started on my way to barn earlier. I put a frozen roast in the crock pot for supper. A bit of computer work with S and Mom joining me after 9.

Rain spit a bit with actual rain when I walked out to take off Roo and Switch’s masks. I tried to put Bird’s rain sheet on but she was not wanting it. The rain did not last long but it did drizzle for a bit longer. Sheldon and I laid out his bison barn wood frame. Mom had a bath before she was off to visit Dad at 11:30. S took the boards to the barn to cut and laid it out again before lunch.

We had lunch then headed to town for a meeting with the manager at dad’s place. Sheldon ran to pick up shavings for the stalls. Mom and I and the 2 staff came up with some new ideas. Before leaving I popped up to say hi to Dad quick then out to the awaiting truck limo. Our next stop was to get Cooper then B requested more kneeling pads so stopped at 2 $ stores to find them. Then we headed home as almost 3 and the vet is coming to do chiro and acupuncture. S chatted with a fellow while I went to check on KD, take her for a short walk, clean her stall then catch Pepper and Bird. 

The vet arrived around 3:30 and got busy working on those 2. Once Pepper was done I took him out and brought in roo. As her needles and tens machine worked their magic, Dr Jordan did acupuncture on KD which she said was impressed as many horses don’t allow face needles. She did and had 8 in each foot. Sheldon worked on putting chicken wire in the feed stall as I moved everything out and added shavings.

Can you see Pepper behind her?

KD has acupuncture needles in her head, Jordan says most horses will not tolerate them so she is doing amazing

each foot has 8 needles front and back, all are hard to see being copper on her ginger hair

here is a full body video that might be easier to see

Once the horses treatments were done I took Roo out and left Pepper tied to keep KD company. Then we came in after Jordan was off at 6 for a cold beverage. I peeled potatoes and boiled while S watched the hockey game and replied to emails. I ran out and gave KD a med quick. We were just sitting down to eat with B joining us at her usual 7:15. The roast was so yummy.

this is a grafted tree we plunked in after it died off on part and low and behold it took off and just look at the blooms

morning walk video

new window wire/frame

After eating I put Switch’s mask on then B and I went out to cut new pads for KD and Roo who was sore on her one front. KD got taken out to the waterer in the sunshine to see her friends then back to her stall. B Gave more meds and took her toe back after fixing Roo’s too. S came out at intermission and sawed the wood for the window frame and screwed in place then back to the game. Mom was back and came to check KD then to the house.  Roo will be the first to stay in the “feed” stall and keep KD company. She was quite pleased to do so but will see tomorrow. B and I closed all up then moved on to feeding horses and moving them to the center paddock. B stopped for a quick visit then was off for home at10. S washed up pots and pans while watching game then he and I went for a soak and Mom to bed. I checked horses before coming in to shower. S added chemicals then we both crawled into bed. I made us a protein yogurt bowl, then wrote the blog while he perused the internet and fell asleep. I had to watch a bit of QOTS before lights out.

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