Monday, May 16, 2022

Fertilizer goes on

S woke with a smile after the events last night. I went to feed H late as 9 and put on coffee serving the prince a couple cups in bed as he tried to arrange fertilizer for today. I spent the morning trying to get the blog caught up as a few days behind again after usually housework of plant watering, laundry and dishes. S finally arranged a spreader and was off to pick it up before noon taking Harley with him. I was supposed to have a paint company meeting at 12:30 but they never called.

S was back at 1:30 with the spreader. Once unhitched we headed to town where we filled with fuel ($1.52/lt farm diesel) met a lady for boards to help finish the deck edge. S's Dr called with biopsy results, deposited some cash, picked up more boards and groceries then back at the ranch. I heated up borscht (Thanks Ma K) for a very late lunch nearing 3:30 as S unloaded the boards. 

Once we ate he was off to hook up the fertilizer spreader and started spreading at 4:15. I worked on accounting, supper prep and continued the laundry. Shaina facetimed from UK which was nice to see her face. I took the cats raw food as J was whining all day.

S finished up fertilizing at 6:30, unhooked and hooked to truck coming in as I was cooking supper. The beef tenderloin was very yummy. B arrived in time to join us then she was off to feed. And move horses to the winter pasture and open closest paddock now. This made the horses day with the fresh grass.

S and I along with H drove the spreader back to Mossleigh at 8 and back by 9. Britt was finishing up her lunging and putting on Roo’s mask. She came in for a visit then off for home before 9:30. S put the cats away for the night then we had a hot tub soak. Shower time before 11 and relax in bed while perusing research online.

 forgot to share a photo of B's bachelorette w/e

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