Sunday, May 8, 2022

Happy Mother's Day!

I had a good nights sleep yay!! I did awake a couple times but managed to fall back asleep with a cough drop to soothe my throat. Covid symptoms linger with a cough and throat tickle which does not pair well with the sore back. I did get a mothers day message from Shaina at midnight all the way from Amsterdam!! THANK YOU! I awoke after 8 to take dogs out to pee. There had been rain overnight which was nice to see. 

Happy Mothers day to 2 of the best Mom's in my life as well as all the other great Mom's out there. I made a couple cappuccinos to start my Mothers day and opened a beautiful card/gift from Kaylin, THANK YOU! I then worked on a tutorial for the wooden magazine rack.

another puppy play video!

B was out after 11 and took Beans out with the pack to pee and play a wee bit. We then headed to town for a delicious lunch at OJ's with chocolate covered strawberries for dessert. THANKS B!! I have the best daughters ever!

Back at the ranch B helped me unload the bed frame of Kaylin's for a couple to pick up around 2:30. She was on the couch falling asleep at 1:30 seeing she had taken Dave to the airport at 6:30 and she slept for 2 hours as I worked on marketing. I took the dogs for a walk then finished the tutorial and got it shared on all the sites and sent to the paint supplier. I also had to find a box and package up a parcel to mail out tomorrow.

dog walking video.. so cute

B was up at 3:30 and out to trim Pepper and Bird requesting a cold drink part way thru. I continued my search for flights to Toronto finding out that the $ ones are now $1089!!! I did get a call back from Expedia and spent a long time waiting for Westjet only to have them both call at same time. I finally found a similar price from Air Transat.

B and the 2 dogs left at 6:30 as I logged in for a 4th time after being scared to press book flight but finally did so. We now have confirmed non refundable flights to Toronto, fingers crossed this all works out.

Seeing it was now a beautiful evening I headed out to soak in the hot tub for awhile. I took a tasty refreshment along too. After I was done I added chlorine and let it bubble while I had a quick shower off then took Beans out to feed and put cats away. Amanda called at 7:30 having went to visit Dad and we had an hour and a half catch up. Beans came out near the end and I took for a walk then played fetch with him to tire him out for bedtime as I hung up after 9. Time for some leftover chili for a very late supper before I crawled into bed with QOTS.

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