Thursday, May 26, 2022

Flames lose ;(

The Harley doorbell rang at 7 am which had us both awake for the day. Coffee was made and a relaxing start to another beauty day started. I had Roo's mask off early today then on to work on the banker chair filling cracks in the wood and more scraping of old finish. S let the cats out when he hauled the big bison head over to shop and blew any remaining beetles out and his golf clubs off.

S helped me haul the dining table inside so I could stage it.

B was out before 11:30 to catch horses, S headed out at 11:30 in the fireball to meet Nathan in Muirfield to gold 18 holes. He passed the farrier on his way in who waved as I was sweeping out the garage then moved car back in and off to meet him. For the next 3+ hours he trimmed and chatted us up as all but Biebs were done. The weather was fabulous.

Poor KD has bruises on all 4 feet like this

When I came in just before 2 I realized I missed my 1 pm zoom meeting with my new Body Smart coach, oops. She said it was ok and could chat now so we had our first meeting as B rode Roo. I had a late lunch at 2:30 making a tuna sandwich then headed out to work in the garden and plant seeds.

B bathed poopy Cooper and headed home at 3:30. I was now hauling out the rest of the summer garden decor and watering all the seeded areas and lilac tree. The wind picked up during the gardening phase and as I finished up before 5 I enjoyed a cold beer on the deck with a well fed Harley. Back to the garage I hand sanded the filled areas on the chair then inside to prep supper.

my yard progress

S was back home after 6 and barbecued the steaks while I made the veggies, another tasty meal. Then it was hockey time... after much debate we chose not to go to the game but rather watch from home in the TV room. It was a very action packed and edge of your seat kind of game but sadly in the end we lost. I tried to get my steps in during intermissions watering plants and making us a smoothie. After a long day at the end of the game I headed to bed skipping a hot tub even. I watched a bit of QOTS then lights out. S had a shower and to bed after watching the post game shows. Darn the Flames loss.. Alberta needed a few more games.

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