Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Fireball comes out

We were awake at 8:30 but relaxed for a bit before I went to feed H at 9. The house was quiet with all enjoying a sleep in. S made a pot of coffee and all started to roll in. Roo had her mask removed as the rest slept in the sun. Sausages and scrambled eggs were cooked up by the master chef himself. Toast was made by Candace and table setting by Reese, thank you ;)

Sheldon and I then ran to town at 11. He dropped me at the doctors and ran Amanda's 4 propane tanks back to her as 3/4 are expired so unable to refill. We were back to the ranch before noon. Another visit and the Hatter's were on their way before 1.

first apple blossoms with dark skies in the background

After I had some lunch (I skipped breakfast) and S had a phone call, we moved furniture, lowered and pushed (yep Hercules) the fireball out to connect the battery and start. It started to rain just as we did so. It was short lasted but we will take it.

We took a drive to town hoping to get lawn mower blades and plastic weld for the water tank but no luck so we grabbed an ice cap and took a drive down main street only to have it start pouring. We headed south and found the rain stop just outside town, The ranch was sunny and dry ;(.

We had an online zoom class at 5 that took over an hour and half but informative. Supper was left over delicious pulled pork followed by a hot tub before the big hockey game started, S actually watched the warm up on his phone in the tub. Britt was out to feed then she rode in yet another lovely evening. Inside for the game S hit the TV room. I bounced around making us smoothies, feeding the cats, doing laundry and such. The game started our slow and not in our favour but picked up in the second and 3rd only to have a sad loss. I watched QOTS in bed while S watched the post game show then listened to a radio sports feed in bed.

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