Saturday, May 21, 2022

More yard work underway

Harley is learning a new routine of wakeup time. I let her out at 4:30 to do her biz then into the kennel to rest till we get up. All these late nights have us sleeping till after 9. I fed her, made coffee with S getting one while taking a work call. I put a pork roast in the slow cooker for tonight.

The sun was out which was nice to see and NO wind which was even better. I took off Roo's mask then had S come help cut seed pods off the lilacs. He let the cats out and dumped B's wheelbarrow of crap first then we got the task done. 

UGH 2 more huge poplars died this year ;(

Inside I made tea and found the slow cooker was not heating, dang it, 2 1/2 hours wasted!! I moved it and got it going. Leftovers for lunch and a nap for the prince. I found more towels and such for the trailer which also had the linen closet organized as a bonus then put in the trailer.

Up from his nap S hauled out the pressure washer to wash the barn boards we sourced for his bison backdrop. This led to doing around the deck edge we had stained and was now looking ratty. While he did this I organized al the recyclables and swept. Garage laundry was underway and other cleaning which once all was loaded in the truck it looked so much better.



run.... all but 1

Britt arrived at 2:30 while we were both busy at our tasks. She caught Roo and rode her then continued with more horse care. We took the trash and recyclables to town at 4, it was super fast since I had all sorted then off to pick up Amazon parcels. We got an ice cap and headed home grabbing the mail on the way. B was feeding and finishing up when we got back at 5. She finished up and was on her way home. 

the sun came out too

S and I hit the hot tub for a soak after we prepped a veggie tray and kale for a salad. Mom arrived mid soak and visited over the edge. Once out I put the veggies in to roast and created a yummy kale salad. We ate late before 7, the pulled pork turned out delicious as did the rest. Mom was on her computer, S watching sports with a quick walk to the fence in the golden hour while I did dishes/dishwasher and laundry along with computer tasks. Then all headed to bed.

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