Wednesday, May 4, 2022

S flies north & Mom is staying

Coffee started the day yet again with the morning mission for S to bolt on his new box grader runners then move horse trailer to grade it and put both trailers on the spot. I helped him with a bit of guidance after taking Roo's mask off, did a yard loop poop scoop then back to laundry and house things. I made a yummy salad for lunch then we hit the hot tub. The warm day was overcast and now the wind was blowing like crazy again. We did have a good long hour soak in it though getting out after 2. I made us a smoothie to enjoy after our showers.

Shaina sent a photo of her desk all set up

S was off to the airport just after 3 having a later flight today. I felt so tired I laid down and actually had a light drift off. Then it was time to get caught up on things. My computer work is so far behind including the blog so worked on that while keeping the laundry going and plants watered and a box full brought up to take to Shaina tomorrow. Mom stopped out at 5 with a chai tea, THANKS and a quick visit before she headed back to visit dad after 6. I put burger on to make chili for a late supper.

Kombucha was made and bottled up as B arrived after 7:30 to feed and ride in the golden hour. She stopped in for a quick hello before heading home as Mom was back after 8. Mom and I visited for a bit then I went to put cats away for the night, walk dogs and tuck into bed and then we both were off to bed. I watched some Netflix before lights out of course.

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