Saturday, April 30, 2022

Moving the girls

I awoke at 2 am and not long after S was awake too then Harley. He let her out only to find the deck door was open thru the night, yikes! Once she was into the garage we all went back to sleep till I awoke at 7. I perused trailers for sale online until S woke to make coffee at 8:30 as I fed H. We had a cup in bed chatting about the w/e plans. He decided since the dump trailer was hooked up he would dump the hay we pitched, load the skid steer and go do the neighbors yard work he wanted done. 

After another coffee and some toast he was off at 10 while I vacuumed, changed H bedding and gave her a bath as plans are for her to come along on todays road trip. Once S was back at 11 from his landscaping he unhooked dump trailer and hooked up the cargo trailer before he chowed down on some tacos. We loaded some raw food, beverages, snacks and H and were on the road to the city.

There was a bit of a rerouting to get to the new hacienda but once we landed in front of their door it was a quick unload. The townhouse is very modern and lovely but no yard. It is very New York city styled. At 2 we set off for Banff to get Shaina's belonging's with a detour to get DQ for the drive. It has been forever since I had a blizzard.

We arrived in Banff and got right to loading plants and furniture then went for a hike near the Fairmont hotel. Harley LOVED this part of the trip. After we loaded up and were making our way home S found his sunglasses missing so we went back to Jacob's to check. In the meantime I looked at my photos and saw he had them on the hike so back to that spot. He and Shaina looped backwards and found them where he remembered taking off his hat, whew.

video view

H and Shaina napped in the back seat for the journey back to cow town. We arrived at 7 to the new pad and again in short order had the items needed hauled into the house. The cargo trailer does not seem to look any less packed, hahaha as we then headed home to the ranch. The trailer guy called mid day after I had contacted another lady about hers as per Murphy's law and is going ahead with our deal. We finally had time to call him back and set up Monday as pick up day.

We arrived back at the ranch by 8, unloaded H and had leftovers for a late supper. I was on hold to cancel our Monday flights with Expedia and eventually took the phone to the hot tub. Again Murphy's law had them answer not long after I got in so back into the house I went to sort details. Of course it was not free to cancel... it left us a credit :( but at least are all sorted now. S treated the tub while I was on the phone showered and hit big brown. After my call I showered and crawled into bed with my iPad, it has been a busy day.

Friday, April 29, 2022

Final hay clean up

I awoke with a non plugged nose and less aches, the sore throat was less and the cough a bit less to so for sure on the mend. S made decaffeinated coffee and fed H then we enjoyed a cup in bed, his first venture to lay on it since home. Hot tub was up next to warm us up. S has a crazy runny nose today and sneezing.

Leftovers for lunch and the news then S ran to town with H to grab groceries for a taco supper. The Paetz's stopped out with more things to store while in limbo between houses and a visit outdoors. I scooped poop then came in laying down to have a rest. As per usual timing S arrived home just as I got comfy around 2.

He put away groceries and had brought us hot chai teas, THANKS! Needing to get the pushed hay off the grass he hooked up the dump trailer then got the skid steer and started loading. I collected all the baler twine and put it in the recycling bag then learned how to drive the new skid steer after he started hand pitching. 

We then moved into the arena which was a ton of hand pitching. A couple bucket loads were dumped but it takes allot of the sand.  We finished up at 5 and came in to start taco for supper. S took a rapid test as the sneezing and runny nose was worse but luckily it says negative. Tacos were enjoyed just tin time for the 6 pm Flames game. I cleaned up and made us a frozen berry dessert then caught up the blog while he watched the game in big brown.

I was feeling cold so we headed out to the tub with S taking his phone along to watch. The temperature dropped and there was some rain sprinkling down. S only stayed for a short soak then was in to shower and watch inside. I closed it up and came in to shower and change the bedding again. It seems I have a body rash not sure from what and crawled in to watch QOTS in fresh linens. B was out to feed as the rain started to pick up, before she left for home she let the 2 chubby girls out in the winter pasture with the herd. Once the Flames game ended S crawled into bed (no longer spare room bound) to join me for some sleep podcasts.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Vet & farrier day

I awoke to hear S filling coffee pot after 7 but then he was back to bed. I started the pot and made us each a mug delivering his to the spare room. Once he was up and at it we had a chat to get our day planned. He also presented me with my birthday gift; a belt sander he thinks will make my job easier ;) Then he fed H and I let the cats out and met in the hot tub for a morning soak start. The sunny day looks promising. Back inside where Shaina was up and on her laptop was a quick rinse and breakfast. B text to say Dr Jordan was coming early so could I catch horses. 

S was in a phone meeting again wandering around the yard as I wrangled the horses and B pulled in. The vet and tech were here soon after at 11. They got busy starting with Pepper and Bird for acupuncture and chiro as the skies darkened to the west. Switch and Roo were tied to the hitching post on deck.

S pushed the hay on the grass by the pasture gate into a pile as I scooped poop then I got him hemp oil for this bison head to apply before he came in for lunch. The dark skies let out a skiff of snow then the sun was back out. Roo, Switch (I took her in) and Beibs had dental work done next in the barn with Switch also getting a neck adjustment.

The vet mobile was off just before 2 and B headed to town after putting horses away leaving Cooper while she did errands. Trying to the the TV AJ had scored for Dad to test the cable and receiver on the deck had some issues. The kitchen TV and receiver were then hauled out and proved the wiring to work fine.

B was back before 3:30 and kindly caught and tied Switch to the hitching post. The barefoot farrier arrived at 3:30 and did Switch's trim, booked for the other 4 in 3 weeks and was off. S talked to bell and got the receiver going. on the deck. B and I decided to pen up the ponies, Switch and Roo in the closest paddock as a diet pen and the other 4 in the winter and far paddocks. This required water to the far trough so she closed and opened all the far gates while I set the trough ready and S got the water going. I let the 4 out and all was under way. B then was off to meet Sharon to check Timba's healing process after a leg wound. S and I hung up the one set of solar lights along the deck.

B stopped back quick before 6 to get Cooper then meet Gran at OJ's for supper. The fancy charcoal barbeque was started then S whipped up bison burgers as I prepped a pouch of sweet potato which he put on when hot. I also made up a kale salad and once all were ready we enjoyed it on the deck with the news there ;)

We moved the TV to the deck edge and got prepped for the Flames game then hit the tub. I stayed until 8 feeling tuckered so headed in to relax in bed watching more QOTS while S continued his hockey viewing. Sadly for him the Flames lost in OT but he found Oilers OT game to watch along with texting his hot tub pics to friends and family of this playoff set up progress. He came in after 10 and was on the phone and such but I fell asleep by then.

Sheldon's view above and my view from room as he is texting these pics

getting dark but still in slowly turning to a raisin :)

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

ranch life vacay

S was up at 7:44 making coffee with Shaina up not long after to grab a cup and breakfast for her meeting. I was served a cup in bed then he was off to set up in TV room for a meeting. I relaxed with my coffee thinking how original plans would have us waiting to board the plane right now ;) I fed H at 9 then once his meeting was over before 10 we headed out to soak in the hot tub in the sunshine. What a lovely morning. After an hour + soak we ventured in to shower off. Craig and the 2 littles arrived to unload more items and such. Aislyn got her bday gift on the deck.

Shaina who is still feeling unwell made us scrambled eggs and beans with garlic toast (bacon for herself) for lunch, Sheldon had his outside while visiting. Trailer power issues were resolved with Craig and the kids heading back to town after 1. Shaina took another covid test and was negative but decided to cancel her supper and tub date later today with Emily.

Sheldon ran to town to do errands after 2 including the trash while I rested with some Queen of the South. He was back after 4. Back to the hot tub with a cocktail for us both before making a steak supper. S used the fancy barbeque Craig dropped of this am. I prepped potatoes and popped in the oven and the kale salad to have with it. Shaina was up to join us for supper then off to soak in a hot tub in her bathroom. B was out to feed and work with Roo for a bit. I crawled back into bed to rest while S watched sports and worked on his bison heads.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Cancelled our trip ;(

Be darned if I awoke at midnight and could not fall back asleep again worrying about our trip even cancelling a dinner reservation and calling hotel at 2:30, just when I was drifting at 3 H wanted out so did that, took temp to find low grade 99.5 then finally at 3:30 I watched more Selling Sunset till I fell asleep after 4. I did awake before 8:30 having to contact the farrier about coming today. We decided to move to this Thursday. Today the sore throat achy shoulders and headache persisted with new symptoms added; a bit of a cough, crackly ears, pain in eye sockets if looking up but still feel like it is a “cold” had I not tested.

I then started looking into changes for the rest of the trip and managed to most cancelled ; 3 accommodation spots, the spa booking and car rental by late morning. The flights are still in the air. H was fed a deer meal outside as I finished up the Selling Sunset season. Shaina made coffee and was off to town to train and get her pedicure done before 10: we have postponed ours together as her bday gift till a later date too.

I let out the cats, scooped some poop and got bedding in the laundry between the cancelling calls. Expedia's return call seems to be extremely backed up. H got an esophagus treat but came in all covered in grass so gave her a dewormer pill to help with the itch. For a late lunch after 1 I mixed up some kale salad starting a new Netflix show Anatomy of A Scandal.

Shaina was back home before 2 and off to her office. I went out in the warm 17 degree winds to soak in the tub before 3 for a bit taking my doctors call in there. Back inside I showered off quick and threw in a load of towels and got dishwasher going. If only I had a maid to serve me at my door food drink and snacks during my “quarantine”.

I tried to rest for the rest of the afternoon but it is very hard. Once S called we confirmed to reschedule the flight out for June 6 so I made those changes which so far were the only one with a $105 penalty fee. I certainly will not be getting my steps in today. Shaina made supper which was lovely and served to me in bed after 6; salmon burger, quinoa and asparagus. Thanks Dude.

before and after B cleaned it up :)

B was out late today having meeting after work but fed and then noticed H's eye was goopy again. This leads us to believe allergies so she cleaned it up and treated it before heading home, thanks B! Shaina brought me a smoothie as I finished the series Anatomy of A Scandal. S made it home at 10:40 today, watched some sports then off to sleep in the spare room to avoid possible germs.

Monday, April 25, 2022

More double birthdays

Today Brittany turns 25!!! where has the time gone. And Aislyn turns 4, Happy cake day sweet girls! xoxo

H went to garage at 2 then I woke at 4 and 6 and awake at 7 but that is ok. My throat is still sore, bit of a plugged nose and achy body (still think from working out combo) but headache back. Shaina awoke with a headache too when she was up to make coffee at 8:30. I fed H while she rested on the couch for awhile before she made some toast and was off to her office. We both too headache pills and had the honey garlic, I took more oregano oil before I went out to let cats out and give dry food and check hot tub. The day is overcast but 12 and no wind so I will take it.

I relaxed in my bed with Netflix and the coffee then got busy on the computer drawing my paint giveaway gal and getting that all sorted. A few other computer details were down with breaks back in bed with hot tea and cottage cheese/fruit for my breakfast. I accidently dumped 1/4 bottle peppermint oil in my diffuser dang it lol so tried to add it to a few and get the room humid.

I was thinking to head to the hot tub before 1 when I remembered the purple end table was being picked up at 1. The lady ended up a bit lost but made it after 1. I had opened the gate and left it on the front sidewalk and spoke to her from the door. Once she was on her way I hit the tub. The day was still overcast with a bit of sun trying to peek thru but hit 18. The wind was slowly picking up too. Shaina was off to the city at 2 for an appointment. I came in showered and had a very short nap while watching Netflix. 

Before 4 I ran to town with Harley to pick up Cooper as Britt and Shaina are going to the station after her work (home at 7) and it was such a nice day. I picked up the mail too as we had hot tub supplies there. At the ranch the dogs were off for a bit, I soaked feed for later then made and bottled kombucha. I then started to pack my carry on.

Shaina was home from the city at 5 and off to her office with her migraine still. I had leftover fettucine and sauce she made from last night, yum! She came up to have me help her with paying taxes online and I tested her twice both negative. She was then off to the city to meet Britt for supper after 7. I took the dogs for a walk and put the cats away with raw food then scooped poop trying to get my steps in. Inside I continued packing and computer work catching up the blog.

Shaina and Britt arrived back after 8 to so B could feed before a hot tub. Crazy there was a goose that was on the road and not fearful of the dogs nor could we figure out what it wanted to do. It hunkered down then would go in circles for a bit like maybe to lay an egg. Eventually it did fly away scaring B out of her skin when doing so ;) 

2 goose videos for you

The girl changed and hit the tub to soak. I did get a text to deliver them the waterproof cards we got as a gift. I watched Selling Sunset in bed. Shaina drove B back to town to get her vehicle left there just before 10. I went out to close. Up the hot tub after she put in the chlorine. She was back home before 10:30 and off to her room I finished an episode and then shut off lights listening to a podcast.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Beauty weather

UGH, my throat was still sore when H wanted out at 2 so I ate a honey soaked garlic then I slept off and on till 6 when I was wide awake. I laid there willing it to be better then Shaina made coffee and delivered me a frothed milk coffee after 8:30. THANKS ;) She got busy at the island with work but did take kitties food and let them out. I chatted with Mom for about an hour catching up on things and her sore throat as well as texting B and Ma K to get theirs.

After feeding H I continued laundry I started yesterday and checked into vacation change options. It does not look good for the Flair flight but I am determined to get rid of this cold. Honey, oregano oil, hot tea with lemon and another pack of EmergenC. My body is getting achy but I do chalk some up to the workout yesterday. Shaina made us bacon and eggs scrambled with spinach, thanks again Dude!

A fellow wanted wood filler so we walked it to the gate in the beautiful wind free sunshiney 12 out. I checked hot tub and PH is high again and no chlorine, UGH! Back inside I soaked horse feed and did a bit of computer before we made a spinach salad for lunch.

We both along with Harley headed to town after 1 in separate vehicles meeting Britt, Dave and Cooper on their way in. They were here to change oil and put on summer tires. I headed to Sagewood fully masked and sanitized and brought Dad down to meet Shaina who brought us beverages from Tim's. Shaina walked Harley as we all did a 2000 + step walk along the town paths stopping for Dad to drink the hot coffee on some straw bales along the way. She put H back in car while I dropped Dad back on his floor after our hour walk in the glorious sunshine.

A quick stop to grab cough drops and syrup then home. Britt and Dave were finishing up with her car as she moved on to catching Roo and lunging her while Dave watched on. I added muriatic acid to the tub then foam away and let it run while I brushed H. They finished up and headed home. I decided to take a rapid test not clearly thinking to take it earlier and be dammed if it was not positive. BOOO now to look into more of the bookings which I found all accommodations etc had to have been cancelled 2 days ago. We would be out a bunch of cash so it looks like I better get this covid over and done by Wednesday am.

Shaina was back with groceries to go with the burger I took out and she made a delicious fettuccini supper. What a sweet girl, THANKS! I took a break from eating in my room to go soak in the hot tub seeing it was such a nice day and sweating it out may help. I have no fever, aches may be from my workout but the headache I had yesterday was returning. Inside after a half hour soak I showered and finished my yummy supper while watching new season of Selling Sunset. I cancelled the lady coming to look at dresser tomorrow morning ;( 

sad cause my test says positive but happy cause the day is so lovely and life is good!

Shaina put the cats away with their food for the night after having to physically wrangle them. They too did not want to go in yet. Shannon arrived for a tub soak before 8. She is a nurse on the covid unit in the city and said rest and fluids and I should be good for Wednesday especially if I have the omicron variant. I prepped more chemicals for them to add after their hot tub. I made a tea and back to bed to watch more Netflix. Shannon headed home after their soak around 9:30, Shaina was in and off to her room checking first to see if I needed anything, thanks sweet girl. I took a sleeping pill at midnight and off to sleep.