Monday, December 27, 2021

Furnace failure and water issues

-32 upon waking at 8!!! WTH! It was -30 at 5:30 when S woke me heading to the bathroom. He also woke H too but she was happy to go back to bed when he offered her to go out. I fed her earlier today then sent her out into the sunny frozen tundra. She raced around checking the horses who were now out in the shelter sunshine then back in to her warm kennel. The kitties are so happy to be vacationing in the garage for Xmas. I made coffee and enjoyed one in bed while playing some cookie jam.

S had a sleep in then up for a coffee or 2 in bed while I worked on loading pics and posting Christmas day blog and working on marketing that has been lacking. Breakfast and coffee to the quarantine room along with her therapy cat for a bit.

I mixed a jumbo bucket of beet pulp to soak for B who has today off too. Vacuuming, plant watering and laundry up next to continue the boxing up week :) Once I was done I took the wand and pulled out the basement one for roomie to do her room. S packed his backpack, tried on his new clothes and had a rest in big brown. After a tuna sandwich he had a wee nap to to prep for the trip north after starting the merc to run.

B was out at 1 as I was giving S his massage for the day. She braved the cold and fed all the horses, picked feet and visited all the ponies. I managed the dogs going out quick after my massage then brushed H in the garage as she seems to be shedding.

B loaded up Coop and was off for home after 2. Sheldon was off for the airport at 2:30. Before he left he checked the furnace outlet under the deck and found a huge snowball again so knocked it off and on his way. I got busy catching up with marketing, working on tutorials as well as writing a post on Hometalk for the white antique dresser. I have a lady interested in the fold down table planning to pick up tomorrow then changed to Wednesday. Sheldon text he passed his rapid test but then the plane was delayed, hope the week gets better.

For supper I cooked up the sweet potato I forgot on Xmas and made a fresh batch of coleslaw, this was paired with the remaining Brussel sprouts and roast bison for a most delicious supper. Roomie even sent up a yum emoji and an IG story :) She is on a count down for 2 /12 more days of confinement. I worked on marketing putting the desk on a boxing sale and creating a fun reel for Instagram

I headed to bed after 9 to watch Emily, it is back down to frigid deep freeze -31 temps hitting a high today of -28!! And another EXTREME cold warning just popped up for overnight. Good grief, where is the nearest beach that allows dogs :) I decided to jump in the shower first and once I was crawled into my cozy bed Shaina text for ice cream. I got up and took her a bowl and grabbed my little tub and back to bed however the furnace still continued to run since Sheldon left  but drop in temperature so I went to check boiler. I had checked the panel late afternoon and it seemed to be firing but now it says error intake issue. Just like last time, which was in February, it seems the outlet S knocked ice off is covered again. And I have wet hair and a nightie on. As I looked around as I was leaving the furnace room I saw the rugs were soaked around the hot water heater!!! WTH!!

water video

I ran back up put ice cream away, pulled on covies, boots and a toque and Harley and I went out to remove the air intake elbow completely. Instantly it sucked in a ton of air and was on its way. OK that issue was handled after checking the boiler panel was indeed heating. Now onto the water soaked floor. I hauled all the items around the area out to living room for starters. I rolled the soaked rugs, put in buckets and blocked in the hot water tank. Next I grabbed the mop and got the water up but it slowly is oozing from under the hot water tank. Sheldon tried to trouble shoot from his seat on the bus heading to work. Why did this not happen yesterday when he was home?? Once he got to site and Wi-Fi I could facetime him the issues. He had me lower hot water temperature (which required me to run back up yet again and get my glasses LOL) and the in floor heating and wants me to check in an hour or so to see if more water or same. I also had Shaina who was just vacuuming her room try and get some hot water in the lines into her tub to take off pressure. No hot water now till I figure it out, good thing I showered and ran dishwasher tonight. I used a large wet rug as a berm around the hot water tank and found a short garden hose and attached to the base in case I need to drain the tank. Seeing the vacuum was out I pulled it in to vacuum around the vase of the vacuum bin area seeing I was in cleaning mode. I did have cleaning out this room on my list to do over the holidays and actually thought about doing today but moved till tomorrow. Looks like that is now a for sure thing.

Now it was back to my comfy bed and watch Emily till 12:30. When I went to check I saw a river of water from a different direction going to the drain but saw it was the bucket of rugs that tipped over. Thank goodness I had rolled the dry rugs up to to be sure the floor was bare. There was not much more water in the rug berm I created around the hot water tank, whew. Time to get some sleep.

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