Saturday, July 3, 2021

Temperature reprieve but only in am

The deck had wet spots when I opened the back and garage doors to cool it down letting H out at 6:30. It was 19 outside and so refreshing. I was back to bed till 8:45 to feed her breakfast. B dropped off Cooper not long after on her way to spend the w/e with Steph in Fernie.

Once up S made coffee and had his on the deck. Harley entertained him getting her soccer ball flattened and almost all  in her mouth. The cats joined him too. He played ball with the dogs.. all while sporting his favorite clothing attire for the last week ; gonch. The dogs came in when he got a refill, Cooper smelled the pee spot from Merlot then hopped on couch and peed WTH. So I washed it out seeing near the zippered end and set on deck to dry. Sheesh.

the luxury of getting your tan on in the middle of nowhere ;)

After my shower, I worked on marketing hoping to get some sales traction but things are certainly slow. Heat, summer vacation and whatever else maybe. S mowed the area Paetz's will park the trailer again tomorrow.. again in his gonch :) as well as pounding in the tree spikes we got.

Coop loves this pool

Inside for a rest then lunch. It seems I overdressed as the heat is again rising when I went out to clean & refill the puppy pool, trim the spent lilacs on the new trees and hand water my garden. It says varying temps; Fitbit says 23, computer 24 and thermometer 27. I think it is all the above depending where you are in shade or sun. S came out replaced the black plastic on the shop water tank and pulled the prickly thistles in the island then we enjoyed a cold drink on the deck.

The horses have slim picking now that all the grass has burnt so S dropped a bale off on his way by to shoot 2 gophers in the field. I kept the dogs cool in the pool and on the deck. I finally closed the windows and turned on the heat seeing it was actually now 28. I worked on tutorials and cooking a macaroni salad while S flushed and filled the sprayer in hopes of using as a fertilizer sprayer. He ran a tank on the trees in hopes of the forecasted rain.

my garden progress

For supper we tried barbequing again this time some sausage made by the butcher where we got our beef. It was good along with more roasted veggies and macaroni salad. I fed the dogs then the horses all princes watermelon rinds which they all found refreshing I think as it was now 30 this afternoon. I tried giving Cooper a thawed chicken head this time but he still just wanted to bury it. After following him all around the house I gave to the cats but not sure they are going to eat it. H would easily devour it in 30 seconds but this is what is causing her itch I think so why she was switched to only salmon every day.

Haley is sleeping in kennel, S laying on the couch, where is Cooper? in our bed of course :)

Shaina arrived at 7:30 as I was calling Cooper back from the winery, naughty boy. She was at the gym and heading to a friends wedding. She got ready then we all loaded in her jeep and off thru town getting gas, attempted to get DQ but line way to long and lobby closed and made our way to Rockyford Alberta. This was a first for me ;) We tried to find Shaina a store open to grab a snack as she had not eaten yet but zero luck as it is a wee small town. Once we dropped her at the hall with friends S and I headed home stopping thru town to grab that DQ blizzard we both had been craving.

the shop roof looked copper.. so cool

We were back at the ranch before 10 with clouds to the north and south that looked dark and our fingers crossed they bring rain to us. I looked at phone and found an Etsy sale!!! Yeah! As I was watching Startup and S was napping the rain started at 11 as forecast after lots of thunder and lightening. It lasted about an hour then back around 2. There was non when Shaina was dropped off at 4 am from her evening out.

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