Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Roo's first ridden trail ride

We are trail riding today and I have a massage so this meant multiple wake ups thru the night to check the time LOL. H slept in garage and even though it looked overcast at 6 I knew there was a smoke warning for today. I had also got up in the night to close garage window after seeing lightening but no rain ever came but I knew it would be hot in there. However she was waiting on the stair mat when I went to open the garage up and feed her breakfast after 8. I opened the winter pasture gate but the sillies were stumped how to get out being in the middle south paddock. good brain gyming for them. I moved the water to the forest for a soak seeing today is forecast to be a hotter one.

Inside I made a cappuccino to get my day going while catching up blog. I felt sorry for the horses so went and led them around to freedom and food then checked cat food and gave elder a bucket of water. I was off to town then for my 10 am massage. My girl found the lower back and trap areas and worked them over good. I grabbed iced coffees and a steeped tea on my way home.

B was here when I arrived and was making up the food for later. She rasped Bird's feet while I scooped poop out of the trailer and opened doors to get a breeze going thru then hand watered the garden quick. Harley tried loading into the truck a few times hoping to come along. We were catching the horses when Shaina arrived at 12:15. She had to do multiple things inside including making a sandwich as we loaded the horses then we were off at 12:30.

Today we went to Mesa Butte near Millarville. Shaina worked in the back seat till she fell asleep after her early morning meeting day. We arrived to 27 degree smoky heat. Once unloaded and tacked up we were on our way heading west. However having no been there for a few years things had changed for trails that way and not wanting to ride in the open for long periods of time we turned around and went back across the creek and up curly sands trail. The bugs were atrocious today! And without Pepper the girls had to each take turns being brave to cross a wooden bridge, lead the trail and cross a bog but they did it.

another use for baler twine when you forget elastic

This loop took us about 2 hours with a 2 1/2 hour ride in total covering 8 1/2 kms. The heat had risen to 29 so once we untacked we took them to the creek to bucket with cool water, scrape, load and make our way home. 

It hit 31 on our way thru Calgary and that when we arrived back home at 6. Britt let out the dogs while I unloaded the horses. Shaina took KD to rasp her chipped toes and I let Switch out and went to put cabbage rolls in the oven. I found the A/C had shut off and we had yet another heat alert ;( but it was back to work cooling down the 26+ house. B fed the horses then loaded up Coop and was off for home as she is hosting a live lobster (shipped from PEI overnight and delivered to her door) supper at 7.

I fed starving Harley then got on the computer catching up the blog while Shaina did check ins. B text she had a spare lobster for us as I was taking the cabbage rolls out. Now you invite us B LOL We ate around 8, she is staying the night and brought her laundry home and threw in a load before heading to the gym at 9. 

poor limpy girl video, has been over a month and no better

I took H for a walk as she was leaving then checked kitty food and cleaned and refilled their water so they have fresh inside during the night if needed. It was really lovely out at 27 as the sun was unable to shine thru the smoke and the smoke created a red sun. I could not get it to photograph though. Speaking of photos I forgot to share the new ball pics last night so added them, go back a day to see them.

he is not a fan I am putting him back in the paddock I don't think :)

After some more computer work I jumped in the shower. New pj's called for fresh linens! I crawled in and was watching Netflix when S arrived back from the gym and stopping at Britt's to grab our 2 fresh cooked lobsters a;; the way from PEI! She sent garlic butter too but forgot the crackers. We managed to bend a few forks but heated the butter and enjoyed our treat, THANKS Dave and B!!

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