Thursday, July 29, 2021

Shelf finished

I was awoken to B opening the door just before 8 to drop off Cooper for the day bringing me an iced coffee and carrot cake muffin! THANKS. I had let H out at her usual 6:30 time so now gave her breakfast and got on with my day. Roo had her blanket removed and I started water on the peonies as lovely out now. I did a bit of marketing then headed out to get working on the shelf. I also forgot to share Lexi's eye ulcers are gone !! Her check on Tuesday news.

my helpers

The internet repair man arrived at 10 and for the next hour worked on redirecting our dish. He said we really did not need the tower we had to purchase a few years back, gee thanks LOL. He also called me out to hold the ladder to get down.

Back to the shelf I finished painting all sides a second coat of the blue after more wood filler and let dry. 

Lunch with the news was yummy dill pickle salad and gyoza with a frosty beer. The day was heating up at 28 now. I hauled out the mirror to sand front and back after removing the mirror and side box.

The shelf was now ready to stencil. I chose a fun Greek key one and added it to shelves and sides. It also required touch ups and everything scrubbed clean after. This little shelf looks totally different but my goodness did it take work, way more then I will ever recoupe but it was yet another learning lesson however I cant see things tossed in the dump.

I put the dogs inside as now 31 degrees. They napped while I ran to town before 4 to get my second covid vaccine. For the 15 minute wait I went next door to the thrift store and found treasures of course. I was back home after 4:30 but spent an hour on the phone with Bell after it seems they screwed up our account when I called a couple weeks ago and they gave us a new plan saving us $55. HA not true. I got it sorted in time to feed the dogs their supper.

While chatting to miss Shaina I scooped poop and watered my pots and garden. Tonight I cooked up Good Food meal #2 ; pork dan dan noodles and man were they yummy.

 I was finishing as Britt arrived late today at 7:30. She and Dave went to Irvine's after work to get more horse things lol. She mixed up food and I met her outside to apply bug spray on the ponies while she put Roo's blanket back on. She was just heading home after 8 when Sheldon pulled in earlier then normal flights for his big w/e off. I heated him up the spicy shrimp meal then took the kitties soft food to celebrate the girls birthday I forgot yesterday.

these 2 move to fast, not sure I will ever get a good photo of them together lol

S watched Olympics and caught up on his internet perusing while I finished catching up the blog and headed to bed to watch some Blindspot.

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