Thursday, July 8, 2021

Inch of rain overnight

H waited till almost 7:30 today then went out for a short bit. I fed her early at 8 while S made coffee and served in bed; been awhile since this great service ;) I then got busy catching up the blog with a second cup and he went to check the rain gauge; almost 1 inch!! The kids came in to play; Asher solved 2 Rubik's cubes ;)

A parcel was delivered at 10 as they packed up and headed to town. I got busy on Kaylin's coffee table thinking I could take it to her when we deliver the patio furniture this w/e. It was hauled outside and sanding began. Such a nice weather day for this. S came out and started his weed eating process. We stopped for lunch and the news ; I made those same yummy salads sans goat cheese.

first 80 grit complete

looks like weeds were a flying

Back to my project I got thru all the levels of grit to a lovely smooth finish. Now to get K to decide on finish; white again, dark or light stain. She chose dark stain. Amanda was back at 1:30 to drop off the 2 littles while she took older 2 to dentist. After his lunch rest S got the lawnmower out and everything clipped up. I put the dark stain coat on quick with my little helpers scooting around the garage on my roller stool and playing with Mr J then we did a hike to check cat food then they headed to TV room.

I rearranged my viewing area as I have a gal coming in the am to look as well as dropping some items off at a new store in town that is artsy commission type. Then the hungry little troupe including Sheldon chowed down on ships and dip after a wee bit of chocolate.

Amanda was back before 5 to pick them up. Time to prep veggies for our barbeque supper; potatoes carrots and beets finally from last weeks farmers market to go with the steak. We were just getting ready to eat when B and Coop arrived after 6:30. She fed the two then worked Roo in the paddock. It was a beauty night. 

little rose bush blooming

S and I took the dogs for a walk then lit a fire. B and C were off for home. The evening was beautiful requiring photos of course. I measured KD for a blanket while S repaired the center post in a shelter the horses had snapped. Kaylin's coffee table got another coat of stain before I came in to catch up the blog. Then to shower and into bed to watch Netflix.

trying to get Stella's picture was just as hard as Luna's

But J is easy as is H

my favorite time of day hands down

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