Thursday, July 15, 2021

Pepper sees a specialist

 Not sure why but Harley wanted out at 2:45, I suggested she lay down but once back in bed she asked to go out so I let her. I checked her again after 3 and she was laying on the deck with J but again once back in bed for a bit she wanted in. I opened the hot garage up and put her out there at 3:50 and went back to sleep. Of course I woke a few more times to check time but again she was scratching on the door wanting breakfast around 7:30. I caved and fed her early at 8.

A cappuccino and blog catchup quick before I prepped for the day. Shaina was up to make her cap before 9 and get her day going. I headed out after 9 to catch Pepper and load him up and was on the road to the vet clinic right on my 9:30 ETD. Britt is in surgery so wont be the tech but after he was sedated and the internal medicine specialist looking at him she was able to pop over once the one surgery was over. 

Pep was examined, scoped and ultrasounded and found the thickness was under his tongue but just a very thick muscle and no other throat issues (yeah) and in his mouth he found a fractured tooth that was pus-sy and infected and a cheek ulcer. His scope showed a couple oddities that are asymptomatic and mucous in his throat indicating allergies. This was all very good news as the mouth issues can be easily fixed but of course on another day.

He thought Pep was in very good shape for his age as were his teeth on a whole and suggested some treat stretches to work on his swaying back. He also had his blood drawn to see if he was metabolic and Cushings which takes about 5 days to get results. Once this was all done we took him to Xray where B, I and the tech got some pictures for his future dental surgery. I loaded up the drunken sailor and headed to Lowes nearby to pickup some steel wool. However after finding it and getting to the till they dont take tap?? Only a chip reader WTH? Off I headed east.

Swinging thru town I filled with fuel (Kaylin said the city has prices hitting 141.9!!) then stopped at Can Tire to grab 0000 steel wool to buff Kaylin's table top. I also skipped across the street to buy Shaina and I an iced coffee then back at the ranch by 1:30.

When I left it was 23 and now it is 29 but not long after it hit 31 again. Pep was released back into the ladies group before I hand watered my garden. Shaina was working hard in her office when I delivered her ice coffee. She popped up later to split a kombucha with me while she tried to get the lobster meat out of the legs. She also finished up all her laundry today too. The steel wool worked well on the table and it is ready to load up with K tomorrow when she comes for supper after taking Lexi for her vet appt.

A good customer dropped off a kids desk in exchange for updating a frame she had me do in red to shades of blue for a desk she bought a few years back. We had a short visit and they were off. I tried to see how to get that recent antique table acquisition to work but think the hinges are shot. 2 parcels arrived today one being a duplicate paint order from last month and the other food scale for H's food.

Shaina potted up a baby spider plant for her landlord, took a huge bag of plastic recyclables for us to her city recycle dumpster and was off heading to the gym before her city apartment at 4:30. I finished writing the hemp oiled table tutorial then had to share on sites. I mixed up some coleslaw for supper while chatting with Mom.

B was out before 7. She mixed up the food and fed while I helped her try a new fancy fly sheet on Roo. In the end she decided to get a bigger size. I scooped poop, set up the big puppy pool, cleaned out and moved the old one, took a bucket of water to elder and set the sprinkler on an area of the SE ash trees. B washed up buckets then was off home after 8.

these 2 play hard every day and love it.. it is also why they both have their necks out of line and limp

I found a jar of borscht from Ma K in the fridge and had a bowl of that when I came in, THANK YOU. The golden hour light was shining in and I saw fine scratches in the coffee table finish from the steel wool, I am no longer a fan. More blogging, water shut off then in to bed to catch some more Netflix. I started a new series called Blindspot but shut it off after 11.

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