Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Pepper has a tooth extracted

H came in after 4 am but after playing possum she lumbered back to her kennel and slept till 6:30 when I let her in the garage. Again it is misty smoky haze outside and cool 16. I fell back asleep till after 7:30 but relaxed till almost 9 to feed H. The headache is still present, rats. It was a morning of computer work catching up and choosing new hardware to order for two dresser.  I brought in the new glass knobs and pulls for the current dresser and put a poll on Instagram. The morning stayed cool and overcast. The dew was wet on the deck and grass.

white or silver?

I loaded up Pepper and we were off looping thru town on our way to the vet clinic after 1. There was a paint parcel at the gate I grabbed as well. I met the frame customer at Tim's then grabbed an iced coffee for the road. Next we picked up a cute coffee table just down the road followed by a vintage shelf. 

Then off to the "dentist" We arrived half an hour before our 3 pm appointment; just the way I like it. They got us in early too which was nice. Dr Lockhart and her gaggle of techs got him sedated then used a horse water pic to rinse out the area. She found that it was not a fractured tooth but rather a diastema (space) between the two teeth where he was packing food and causing issues as well as 18 was loose not the 19. They will remove the 18 but first had to shave his cheek to block the nerve. 

Seeing he had to wait for 30 minutes and then a possible long extraction and needs to spend the night I headed off to do some errands. The smoke was moving off and the temperatures rising and hitting 23 from the cool 18 all morning. I waited in line to return Homesense only to get to the till and find out I needed my drivers license. I packed only my cards to save packing things, dam! On to Costco for returns and a quick cart then off to the east before 5. Britt was able to get to the extraction part of Pepper's appointment and said he was being an ass but they got it out. She was taking him for a walk and settling him in for the night. His Cushing's test results came in and normal is 1-10 and he is at 87! but still lower then Hawk when we got his in the 200's.

His tooth and below B taking him for a walk to wake him up

I swung thru town and picked up Cooper and his food then back to the ranch around 6. There was yet another paint parcel at the gate. I best get projects going! Items were unloaded, a bit of mason work, dogs fed, feed soaked then time for a cold beer and bowl of chili. The dogs and I went out to check cats food and do some gardening. B arrived around 8 after dealing with Pepper's after care. She fed Bird then lunged and fed Roo. I got working on computer stuff with some Blindspot on the side before moving to bed. B was off for home at 9. I heard the girls racing around the paddocks before 11. I went out to check but could really only see Roo's white blanket LOL They were getting their steps in it seems. I looked down to see all 3 cats

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