Sunday, January 31, 2021

Last day of January

After extra supper H was wanting out again at 6:45 then I tucked her back in the kennel to sleep which she and I did until the amazon delivery man knocked at 8:30. I got up and made my cap and got on to my marketing and surprisingly H went back to bed. I went to bed with -16 and awoke to -4! With my second cap I wrote a Hometalk post for the grey dresser almost catching up over there on projects. Time for a shower.

Shaina surfaced after 11 having a sleepless night after drinking a Dr Pepper before bed. She mad a cap, ate some yogurt while doing computer work then was off for a call. H still was not up and almost noon so I coaxed her to come with me to let the cats out now the sun was out then fed her.

H decimating a stick while Luna plays with her tail video

I wrote a tutorial for the Venetian plaster shelf. Britt and Cooper were out around 12:30. It is 0 now and the snow is melting which should make for dirty pawed dogs. We took the dogs for a good walk as well as the cats of course then ball playing and poop pick up while Britt fed Bird. The house thermometer says PLUS 5, it does feel warm out.

These two love this ball

Cooper is coming for day tomorrow so B set up kennel, I washed bedding in H's and a kennel vacuum. We had a bit of leftovers for lunch with Shaina joining us then she was back downstairs and B on the couch. Plants watered and laundry folded from some loads Shaina washed LOL. Once the dogs had played rested and played again B and her sidekick headed home at 3.

Shaina got gussied up and we went out to try her photos again as the sun went behind clouds so no glare but she was not happy with the wind so canned that project. She ran to town for some groceries before 5 and back a half hour later. I went and put the cats away then took half an hour and sat in the golden hour sunshine in big brown and finished season 4 of the Magicians while she was gone. I made spaghetti to go with left over sausage for supper and she made guacamole as our veggie. After supper poof she was gone again leaving me to work more on marketing before heading to bed. I perused YouTube seeing I have not been on in forever then started season 5 of Outlander.

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Another outdoor photo shoot

5:55 am I awoke briefly then H wanted outside at 6:45. Tried to get her to sleep again but she was hungry so feed her after 7 then sent out again quickly as -16. I checked my phone to find an Etsy sale!! It was for the wooden cookbook holder so I sourced a box and wrap and got on the mission of packaging it up. With my usual cap I got the shipping label done and worked on marketing. In my housecoat I let the cats out, it did not even seem that cold :)

Shaina was up after 10 and cooked me a fried egg with toast along with hers, thanks. She then was prepping and off to town after 12 for a photo shoot for her Body Smart account with Britt's help. She also took my parcel to drop at post office, thanks! B has her new roommate moving in today. As Shaina was leaving the delivery man dropped off dog food and a paint parcel. Exciting new paint line I had to open live on Instagram.

Then it was back to listing things for sale, staging photos and writing ads. I tried moving a plant around and had it dump out dirty water that required carpet cleaning, grrr. Shaina was back around 3 not having had luck with her photo shoot. Britt was boxed in her garage with the girl moving in. I offered to take a few pics outside in the snowy tundra. We hiked over to horses. S braved the cold but her puffy coat ended up with some pet slobber much to her chagrin. Hopefully one of them works for her.

silly kittens, nice Switch

I cropped this one to below but S did not like any

Britt and Cooper met us on our way back to the house. She had brought me a chai tea too!! It was my lucky day. Shaina was off to a phone call while B and I took the dogs for a walk. Back at the house I worked on my 2 teas. B spent some time outside still with Roo and the dogs.

Shaina helped me get the bottom off the planter to drain it in the tub then she was off for a 5:30 call. I cooked us up a sausage supper with B and I eating then she and Coop headed home before 6:30. Shaina was up then to eat her share then back to her work.

I did computer work then off to bed to watch my iPad; mostly Magicians but I did try starting one called Flack but it was bad.

Friday, January 29, 2021

Cement projects staged

I heard H shuffling around just after 6 and seeing she had the dewormer yesterday I thought it best she go out. However once back in she was sequestered to the kennel for another hour while I drifted. Her breakfast was divided in two parts an hour apart but seems fine. The morning was another -15 with large fluffy light snow coming down. I spent the morning staging the cement vases and sorting thru pictures. My new phone loaded all from my old phone which I did not expect so needed to go thru them. Also videos I took needed to be added to tutorials they were missed on.

I forgot to mention that the kids table set sold yesterday after we were home from town or could have delivered. It is a local good customer who once got stuck in our driveway so scared to come pick it up. Don't worry Sandra I will deliver next time I come to town :)

Shaina was up after 11 in a fluff having slept in and a hair appointment in Airdrie at noon. She started her jeep and was off as the sun started to peek out. H and I went and let out the kitties filling food and water too. They were excited to be out in the sunny fresh snow. H got a little more food seeing she was out scavenging in the paddock lol.

Shaina snapped this on her way out

I continued my photo and video chores. This also included making an Etsy post  for the shelf as well as a shop post on my FB page. Time to start selling these projects.


It was so nice out and now -6, Britt asked me to take off Bird's blanket. I took a break and walked Harley and the cats. Playing ball of course wrapped up our time outside and back to work.

watch these 3 funny videos of my pack walk

I just love slow motion of this big girl

J and his girls

What are you doing Harley? Oh nothing except rearranging the firepit again

Supper was leftover roast and veggies while H ate hers. I watched the Magicians while eating then back to computer work. Britt and Cooper stopped around 6:30 for a quick poop and play then she tucked the cats away for the night before leaving. It has dropped back down to -13. I created some online ads as well as another Etsy ad for the curly maple bowl I cleaned up.

After enough computer work I headed to bed after 9 to watch my iPad. Shaina was back home at midnight.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Sick day for H & S

Today poor H had a tough start to the day. After going out, eating then coming in she wanted back out when S made coffee to eat grass. She came to the garage with me to work on the cement projects but soon puked a big pile. I sent her out while I cleaned it and found a small amount on stairs she had puked after eating it seems. I gave her a bit more of her old food then had her rest in kennel for a bit but when S went out to roll a partial bale she was out puking again and aggressively eating grass. Shaina is having a migraine day today so not feeling good either.

3 sanded

I spoke with the vet clinic and ordered dewormer seeing she has also been itchy. They filled the script and had it ready to go. She was kenneled to rest as only wanted to eat grass and fluff off garage floor. I jumped in the shower quick then S to ready for the day.

S and I ran to town; first stop Irish cream restock, pick up some jars then I took Cooper for a walk while S dropped off a tool he borrowed from a friend. Cooper is having a tough day so B recruited me to walk him but he was so anxious with a fellow snow blowing and the kids on the playground and would not go. Perhaps the -15 with a breeze didn't help either. Back at the condo S was measuring for a door plan in the basement as B's roommate moves in this w/e. I finally got Cooper to pee at least in the backyard.

Next was to pick up the dewormer at the vet clinic as well as a dose for Cooper then loop thru Tim's for teas, grab the mail and back home for a bowl of soup with our teas.

I finished my cement vases and the plant pot with paint and poly while S conferenced called in with Kaylin at the bank.

which side do you prefer?

layering colors on the pot

He was then off after 3 for the airport after jumping the merc to start. I gave H her dewormer then she had another rest while I poly coated the vases. Seeing she was feeling better after her nap, I took her for a walk. We dropped J off at the barn (he had been lunging in the garage since getting in when we left for town) and shut them in for the day. She was happy to be out bounding around but sure was hungry trying to eat frozen horse poop. A gal stopped to pick up the last faux tree while I was scooping poop and playing ball with H.

Inside I unboxed my new iPhone 12 Pro, fancy blue and transferred everything over. A tutorial was written for the latest jewelry box. Since H felt better I gave her half her usual amount of old dog food and a little rice. She is famished it seems poor girl.

H left her ball in the paddock which Switch found entertaining for a bit.

Britt and Cooper stopped out quick for his poop a quick play then back to town. I finished season 3 of The Magicians while doing accounting. I mashed up some guacamole for Shaina and I to enjoy around 8:30 with her finally feeling a bit better and doing some laundry. H was given the other half of her supper and happily went to bed in her kennel. After 9:30 I finished updating the blog and headed to bed to start season 4 of the Magicians in bed passing Shaina who was getting ice cream and swapping her laundry loads. At least she is feeling better and H too.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Cement projects underway

H did NOT want to go out today as another cold one out there, she ate and chose to lay on her bed. I even pushed her out at 7:30 but she just stood outside the door. S made coffee after 8 and enjoyed a few cups in bed. I had one there then off to computer to get some stuff caught up. Shaina was up quick around 9 after her early 6 am meetings to grab a snack and back to work. I touched up the "dirt" and sprayed clear wax on and brought in to dry. S went and let cats out then relaxed reading articles online. There was a light snow fall for the morning.

I prepped some glass vases after watching a cement tutorial. Inside I had S help me adjust the metal leg holders on the dresser to straighten them. He helped me move it downstairs to the space I cleared. I affixed the pulls now that it had dried a few weeks. Out to the garage to layer my first coat of "cement" on.

future cement projects

first cement coat

The shelf was staged. The new vacuum neck works on the power head, yeah. I got the main floor and our bedroom carpet on the test run. I tried vacuuming H too but she was gone after my attempt. The snow let up and sun peeked out after lunch but then was covered and the snow picked up  heavier which looked so pretty.

I scrubbed up vases for another project

S went out at 2 to decide on the workbench placement taking H with him. I went out to continue work on the cement vases. H came in after an hour with S and J following around 4 for a beverage and warm up in the garage as I sanded. He headed back out to finish a few odds and ends and lock cats in. I did some cement sanding and came in to prep supper.

The work bench in place and being stocked, apparently it is even more covered after this photo

The roast went in at 5, the last winter squash a bit later, coleslaw was made and potatoes oiled and seasoned and added even later. B joined us for supper as well arriving after 6:30. We ate around 7 with Shaina still in a meeting and not eating till after Britt left for home. I enjoyed my usual iPad viewing in bed while S was off to sleep.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Hunter calls it quits

H was claiming hungry after 7 so I fed her and left in garage for a bit while I made a cappuccino and played a few rounds of cookie jam. I then let her out and back to her kennel to dry while I did marketing. It is brisk today at -18 with light snow falling.

Time to work on the painted shelf. As soon as I walked into the garage I smelled dog poop. Seems it was a bad idea to reverse the order and leave her out there after eating today. Nothing smellier then dog poop on a heated floor, yuck :( I cleaned it up and sprayed air freshener but working on the shelf was not the most pleasant. I sanded, clear waxed then added a new product called dirt to the edges. I am going for a venetian stone effect and like it.

Now back to the house for a better smelling environment. With my second cappuccino I wrote a Hometalk post for blue nightstand. I created an ad in my Etsy store for the round wood serving bowl. Shaina was up to get her cap and bowl of cereal then back down to work and do Sharon's zoom training.

Another round bowl was hemp oiled and the shelves cleaned and measured both ready to post.

I snapped a few pics of the ivory shelves I cleaned up better too.

Lunch was you guessed it beef soup, Shaina took a break to have some too then she was off to shower. I had offered a fellow egg cartons and he is picking up tomorrow so bagged them up. This cold weather has hampered our dog walking but H was getting antsy so she and I walked the bag to the gate to leave them for pick up. Back to the yard I filled the cats empty water dish and checked food then played soccer with H while scooping frozen turd piles. Many were unmovable LOL

Inside I tried touching up the "dirt" effects but no real luck. Inside Shaina was making another cap and made me one too, thanks. I enjoyed it while watching Magicians and working on tutorials like yet another for Hometalk for a blue bread box and finished and posted yesterdays blog post. I was working on them still when S pulled in at 4:30 having given up on his elk hunt. It seems there were more hunters 140+ strong then elk in the block.

Shaina cooked up her pork tenderloin supper she had planned for her and I after 5. It was good, thanks S for making supper. After hauling in his stuff and getting caught up on mail S had a couple bowls of my yummy soup then off to watch his Flames. Shaina was off to a meeting zoom. B and Cooper stopped quick after 7 then I headed to soak in the tub for a bit before crawling into bed with my iPad. S had a tub at intermission and after the loss joined me in bed to watch his show on his iPad.