Thursday, April 23, 2020

Skid steer work for 9 hours

Up and chatting to LV Deb at 8 had cappuccinos drank with a side of puffed wheat square and me out in the skid steer after 9 to work on the paddocks. I made good progress making a quick half hour stop after 1 to run in and grab a cold beer, bathroom break and toast a slice of fresh bread again with a side of puffed wheat square.

closest paddock

hay in field but most wont pick up ;(

far paddock above and below

quick video

During my break the horses of course had to come check out the uncovered grass while getting water but soon headed back out to the big field. I continued my quest till after 6 pm. The skies threatened rain and indeed it did drop about 10 drops then moved on. I kept going as they are saying more to come so need to get it all off. Half way thru I was really wishing one of my nephews lived closer or was old enough to be hired to do this socially distanced job ;)

middle paddock

back to summer pasture

dark rain clouds threaten

day is done

When I shut it down after 6 I had 2 areas with lots of snow still under so will get them tomorrow. Bird needed her meds but was again at far east fence line. The walk did stretch out my legs after bouncing around the skid steer for almost 9 hours straight. More drops of rain came in once I was back so good timing. In light of my dedicated efforts I have given myself a raise and a bonus!

I cooked up the first Chef's Plate meal of the box; mushroom pork which was really good. Probably added good as I had only a couple things all day LOL

dessert from the Paetz's XOXO

Catching up a bit on marketing has the white coffee table being picked up on Saturday. I had interest in the stenciled dresser until the lady found out I was NOT in Ontario where she lived LOL Britt stopped quick around 7:30 to feed Bird and put away her winter blanket she had washed up and was gone just like a ninja. I jumped in the tub to soak for a bit before crawling into bed to watch more YouTube videos. One was how to trim a jade plant so I got up and went and did my poor dying one quick. As I was shutting out the lights at 11:30 a HUGE wind blew in along with rain. This time it might be a bit more but not sure.

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