Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Eye day for 3 horses and no April fools here

UGH the weather is still cold and ugly but YEAH my headache is gone. It was the usual am with caps, marketing and horse care. The bitter -13 winds made the trek across the super icy ground with  75 pound bale treacherous but did constitute a workout I think :). They were happy to see me and of course waited until I served their breakfast in the sheltered areas. The boys got their pills too. I also got the antique valet chair out of the cargo trailer. Lola came in with me to the garage and stayed there till late afternoon. The chair buyer arrived before 11 to get the chair off the deck and on her way after passing me cash she said she cleaned ;)

Mickey was looking for this photo so I threw it up on FB with loads of people loving the memories.

I added black, white and gold wax to the jewelry box then for good measure a bit more dark. I think it looks like an aged piece now so will stage it up.

Both Kaylin and Shaina finally got thru for Alberta funds relief, yeah! But later in the day S was declined :( The sun popped out around lunch and off and on for the afternoon with the lightest skiff of snow at 4. B and Coper arrived at 4:30 having gotten off work early. She and I treated horses. While she caught Bandit, Pepper and Bird I scooped dreaded cat poop in the arena from their super large winter kitty litter box. B stained Bandit's eye and found an ulcer so treated it with meds that I will now need to apply 3 times a day.

Sorry photo was blurry trying to hold horse and snap picture while Britt was pointing out the ulcer.

Next was Pepper who was a real pe$$er. She did get his right eye flushed (it requires the small tube inserted thru their nasolacrimal duct in their nose, recall KD's video from her trip to Moore's) but no luck on the left after MANY attempts. Bird and Pepper got a few laps in the arena on good footing to burn off steam and released. Bandit had been released earlier to have his "snacks".

See the small tube on left photo?

Then it was KD's turn. Again B got the right side done but not the left. Both she and Pepper had ointment added to eyes and they get 1 does a day. Lucky me.

I tossed out hay seeing it was now 6 before coming in to cook Hello Fresh : roasted shrimp and avocado dressing while B loaded up Cooper and was off for town. Even though the avocado was not ripe I managed to create the meal and it was good. I would make it again with a ripe one.

I was working on accounting when Britt popped back out at 8 to grab her kit she brought from work and left on front step. She gave Bandit more eye ointment and was off, thanks B! I continued my picture sorting and purge. Taking so many photos requires space cleared and staying on top of it. At 10 it was time to crawl into bed and catch another Ozark then listen to some sleep music.

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