Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Etsy sale .. finally

The day started out not bad warming up fairly quick. When I fed and med at 9 it was around zero then warmed a bit more. Catching up over a coffee or two was my start then as I got to marketing found I had an Etsy sale!!! YEAH!! I boxed it all up and did paper work while S tried to get tech help to retrieve data off a malfunctioning stick with no luck then relaxed in big brown.

B and Cooper popped out at 11:30 to start Bird on her gastrogaurd and swap Bandit to Banamine and give eye meds. She did some poop pick up too.

Cooper had to stay in so he sat on our bed to watch Britt

I cooked up the last meal from last weeks box for lunch: Steak taquitos. They were quite good. B popped in as we were eating had some banana bread and was on her way after 1 for a city run. She also dropped my parcel at the post office, THANKS B!

Snow started to fall off and on all afternoon. I was off to the garage to put a second coat of stain oil on the dining table. Then it was onto the dresser trying to decide and source new hardware, starting to fill holes and working on a plan to add feet.

S enjoyed watching and finishing the series Night on Earth in big brown. I cooked up a pot of hamberuger soup for a cold day supper. He then had a conference rodeo meeting at 6:30. B arrvied not long after to feed Bird and the fellows then toss hay and dr B's eye then was off for home in about half an hour.

S joined in on the scrabble games as he soaked in a tub while I did some quick marketing. I made popcorn and he drinks and we watched Badland. This is not a very good movie in my mind, like a boring harlequin. I played Scrabble thru most of it.

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