Friday, January 24, 2020

Warm day

This morning I have the two littlest Paetz's while AJ is class mom. She was running a bit behind but had them here before 9 as we were on coffee #2. It was a fun morning playing all kinds of imaginary games with these two. S did head out to load his truck with recyclables and garbage around 11.

morning coffee with Ma and Pa <3

 this one loves to "cheese"!

But the other one likes to do funny faces so she follows

 when slippers match your stool

Amanda was back at 11:30 staying for a half hour visit before heading off home.

After a nap and a cappuccino S was off to town with his recyclables, trash and errand list around 1:30. I painted the table base another coat of the light grey then rearranged and swept the north end of the garage to make room for my new spray tent.

Seeing the horses had not come for water I trudged out to the far tree line with their pills. It is a beauty day out hitting PLUS 7. Seeing it was so nice I took out the scrubbed up blue bottles and replaced and filled the bottle tree.

Then I hauled some horse blankets to the barn, filled the salt tub and then pruned a few branches that I noticed crossing. S pulled in as I was doing so after 4. We unloaded groceries, opened mail and ate the Vietnamese he brought home for supper.

After supper I made homemade brownies for a treat. For our Friday night fun we watched 4 more Yellowstone episodes with a yummy smoothie. The warm chinook wind picked up and rain even blew in.

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