Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Very cold day!

I rousted Shaina with a cappuccino before 9:30 as she has a dr appointment at 10 and requested a wakeup call. She had some breakfast while her jeep warmed up and was off. I popped in the butternut squash she picked up last night to roast and will make us butternut squash soup for lunch. It was then on to marketing before a quick shower and finishing the soup. This time seeing it was only half the recipe I made it all in the Vitamix, fantastic!

The gates being left open worked to have a courier delivery dropped off, new credit cards LOL who knew.

Just at noon I bundled up and ran out to give the horses their pills quick in the -30 temps, brrrr. Poor ponies have ice chunks on their eyelashes and facial hair. Shaina arrived about 1, I had already had a bowl of soup while waiting for her. She loved this version even more then Christmas eve eating 2 bowls. It was really good with a bit more cream, apple and maple syrup. She was then off for the city before 2.

I hit the garage and got busy working on the round dining table I picked up awhile back. It was scrubbed up then lightly sanded and wiped again and left to dry.

While I was in scrub mode I started on the vanity that we grabbed in the fall. It took allot more scrubbing and rinsing to get the years of grime off. It too was left to dry then I was back to marketing.

 I love the hand written notes on antique pieces, it shows really how hand crafted and unique each one is
vanity repairs were started 

I noticed the horses on high alert with something to the north. I scanned with the binoculars but could not confirm until a bit later. Sure enough the 2 moose that were across from Sharon's a few days ago were around the slough at Marvin's. They were so funny to watch as they kept their vigil.

  Can you find the moose in the trees?

Britt popped out about 4:45 to feed Bird and Bandit. I bundled up again and went out to hold Bandit while he ate having moved in the barn. The freezing temps chill those cheeks quickly! After checking the rest quick she was off back to town.

 frosty little ponies

Lola did not head out till late morning and for most of the day I kept her in with only a few patrols. By after supper it was -33 and sadly they say tomorrow will be even colder. The news said the coldest place in Alberta today was Dapp near Edmonton hitting -47 not counting wind chill!!

Supper was soup but bison this time. After I did some more marketing including creating a new cover video for my facebook page then pulled out the pizzelles machine whipped up a batch eating way to many as I did. Then off to the warm bed to watch a few 100% Hotter episodes and tried again to finish Marriage Story  that I started the other night but it is so blah and shut it off again.

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