Sunday, January 5, 2020

More horses trimmed

Brrr -7, time for warm cappuccinos to write my black valet tutorial and marketing. The sun is shining  if that counts ;) Then it was on to the painted projects. The table was clear waxed and the magazine rack white waxed. The horses were in for salt/water so I popped out to give pills quick.

Once dry the waxed pieces were brought in for staging

Then after lunch I started a new project; the long coffee table. It had the edges sanded, knobs removed then a thorough scrub and wipe dry. It is solid wood which is hard to find in pieces so excited to get painted up. I power sanded the top to even out any scratches and more edges then cleaned it up and left to dry as Britt and Cooper had arrived now at 3.

The day had warmed to zero but had a bit of a wind. I drove her to the far gate and she brought KD and Bird back to meet me at the barn. We got them trimmed up with me cutting myself on the last foot trying Britt's new knife, dang. She fed Bird before letting her out while I came in to bandage my hand. Before she and Cooper were off before 5 she loaded up some lasagna to take for her supper.

dang, wrecked my leather glove too

Time to shower up and have some lasagna myself. Then update horse records and marketing while finishing the movie The Mustang. I was starting Alita when Candace pulled in after 8:30 having gotten Riley set up at college. We enjoyed a night cap and catching up till we headed to bed after 11. I of course had to watch some more Alita but not finishing before shutting out the lights.

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