Thursday, January 9, 2020

Coffee table underway

Today is the start of the cold snap hitting a high of -11 and then lower BRRR. I was awake at 8 as I had a web meeting to get set up for another passive income source using Pinterest. If you don't follow me there, please do and check out some of the pins I post. Each click gets me a penny ;)

I worked on painting the coffee table a coat of milk paint while Sheldon worked on a motor for Matt for allot of the day running back and forth to and from his place and here.

I also finally got the blue bottles labels and metal tops removed and ready to assemble when the weather gets nice again, probably in April :) And I required another bandage due to a metal cut LOL

I worked on new posts then prepped supper. Matt popped over to watch the hockey game after supper then was off before the Flames won. Britt and Dave stopped out before 10 to drop a flat bed trailer off for a few days while Dave takes a hiatus from the race track with no racing due to extreme cold coming. They visited quick before heading to town.

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