Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Back to Moore's

As I was making my first cappuccino the cash register bell rang, yeah it was the big Hometalk order FINALLY going thru!! Packing it up will have to wait as I have to catch and load horses then pick up Cooper on my way to Moore's for a noon appointment but first I had to do some marketing and accounting while having a second caffeine.

After 10 the horses started to come in so I sped up getting dressed, putting on some war paint and put the items to take at the door. I took Pep's pill and gave to him then caught Bandit and tied him to the hitching post. The trailer S kindly hooked up was backed into a snow bank so could not load him right away. I caught Daisy and tied her up too to keep the herd close then ran to get truck keys and move ahead. I loaded Bandit, Daisy then caught KD and I was off to town  after 10:30 on a detour to pick up Cooper. B had left early dropping Dave at the airport. This w/e is the big award banquet he has been nominated for. Britt will be heading eat on Friday.

I rustled up Cooper and we were off arriving 5 minutes early for our 12 noon appointment. Time to walk Cooper quick for a pee then B put him in the truck after a quick hello.  KD went in first getting her eye flushed by Britt who was allowed to do so.

there was a few tries before success finally

Then Daisy was next with Britt drawing her blood to see if indeed she has cushings. Then the girls were loaded back in the trailer and Bandit has his appointment. Starting with xrays (again done by Britt) they found his back right stifle was way worse then they thought. He has major arthritis all in the joint. (stifle is like our knee) He then was sedated and stifles prepped (by Britt) for Dr Jordan to inject the joints in hopes of pain relief for the poor ole fella. He is so stoic with the amount of pain he must be in. Fingers crossed this treatment works for awhile.

prepping for xrays and the hug after they saw how bad his "knee" joint really is

getting scrubbed above and the injections below

While his sedation wore off I ran quick to the mall in B's car to do a Saje return and grab us all a hot Tim's and me a bran muffin for lunch. Once back Britt had Bandit loaded with the girls and I was off for the ranch at 2:15. I made it back just after 3 getting the girls unloaded and back in the paddock, Bandit all set up in the barn stall with bedding, feed, hay then off to the house to get water. Coop and Lola were off as soon as he was out of the truck. The poop was scooped out of the trailer when I remembered I forgot to give the girls their pills before letting them out so had to take the ranger to the gate which I opened and let them out after doing so.

bit blurry as I snapped while at stop sign quick but I had said Lola

The fedex delivery man dropped a parcel off too before I let them out; great timing. I was finally back in the house after 4. I had to answer some emails in regards to the big Etsy - Hometalk order before I ate an early supper and got started of packing up the big parcel to head to New York. Apparently the mandala lazy susan has already sold on the first day their Hometalk marketplace opened so I will just ship that directly to the buyer.

Then it was on to updating spreadsheets and sales albums etc. I did go out after 6 to check Bandit and get Cooper in for B who was detoured on route home around an accident. She arrived at 7:30 chatted briefly then her and Cooper were off home, whew long day for that girl.

The chinook winds started to blow around 7 bringing warm temps. It was plus 4 after my shower at 8 and when I got home it was below zero and at 9 am it was the days lo at -12!! The winds picked up moving stuff around the deck and by 9 it was PLUS 5. I had started a new Netflix series Goop last night and watched more tonight as the winds blew loudly. I tried to go see what was moving on the deck at 10 and could hardly push the door open the wind was so strong. It was on a couple boards but not worth picking up as they would have launched. Did I mention that my tummy and butt muscles are a bit sore after Shaina's training?

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