Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Large end table completed

A later start to the morning after last nights late Netflix watching to S having arranged a fellow wanting to pick up small square bales. I made a cappuccino and did a bit of marketing before I was dressed for his arrival after 10. Chatty neighbor he is. I was then off to paint the end table after checking Shaina was up for her 11 am training of Sharon.

I finished up before noon as B went out to clean horse trailer poop out then feed Bird and put on her fly sheet. She did put on KD's too. Sharon arrived for our coffee date after 1 as Britt was heading to town to pick up Shaina and they are heading to see Dr Dave in Hanna. We had a very short catch up before she was off to the city to pick up Darren after 2. While we enjoyed a coffee, the gate fellow arrived and put on the parts that will prevent the outage after rain hopefully.

when you run out of b's you get creative

Not long after she left the neighbor who picked up hay this am was back to get 5 more bales. I was back in the garage touching up the paint, lightly sanding then applying black wax on the end table.

Outside I picked more apples and dandelions for the ponies

B was home just after 6 dropping Shaina back at work. We had a bowl of soup and were heading out to trim horses as Shaina came out for her bowl at 7 between boot camps. B rode while I trimmed Pepper and Daisy then Switch. She caught Roo after her ride and I trimmed her fronts. After each trim they got to go in the east paddock till the end when we put them all back out and came inside as it is now getting dark after 9.

no pet cooperation in first  and the second is almost funnier

B helped me haul in the heavy end table to stage tomorrow. She was off to watch her Netflix show while I watched 3 more Animal Kingdom again till after 1 am ;)

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