Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Back to work.. a bit anyway

I awoke to a horse squeal at 2 am so popped up to check out the action. Not long after rain started to come down and continued for the hour and half I laid awake. I was up again at 6:30 to another squeal and visual check and it looked a bit like Ireland outside with the bit of fog from the humidity. I did get back to sleep till coffee time at 8:30 as Mom went and caught Slim to put back in the east paddock. 1/10th of rain was overnight and the morning was overcast and gloomy.

S and Mom were off to town at 9:30 for parts, packages and pick up the small trailer on the way home. I worked on marketing, wrote a tutorial for Krista's wine rack, started the long put off laundry piles and tried to get back to "normal" They were back at 11:30, we loaded the 2 end tables in along with the treasures Mom got in town in her rig. I cooked us up grilled cheese lunch and not long after she got Slim loaded up and was on her way home via town for a few more errands before 1.

the poor burnt tree looks even worse as he dries out further

S had a short nap and headed out to work on the bales in the dump trailer. It seems he needs it for deliveries this week. The sun was now out and it was heating up, I went and pulled spent poppies and spinach. The horses were not spinach fans but I refilled their minerals/salt. I stopped in on the bale boy and assisted him on his drive out of the arena and thru the barn.

These bales have been manhandled many times; loading, unloading, stacking and restacking and what is left after a few weeks will be once again handled and elevated up in the loft.

just fitting thru

Now the dump trailer was freed up it was time to load big bales. I drove the quad down with full dump trailer, dumped it and picked him up to bring back and get the skid steer to load the trailer. Today while giving horse supplements I also sprayed 3 horses for cinch wounds and barb wire cuts. Back to the house to cook up some chili for supper while S delivered 3 loads of bales to Stouts.

The chilli was so yummy, Shaina pulled in around 9 to get her share as S went out to run silicone around the horse trailer living quarter vent that seemed to be leaking awhile back. Rain started to come down about 11 as I was catching a few more Queer Eye episodes but did not seem really heavy.

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