Friday, August 23, 2019

B makes an offer

There was a wee bit of rain in the night but not much when I awoke at 7:30. The coffee went off at 8, early so we could be ready for when Britt and Cooper arrived after 8:30. We were off to town to view the promising condo at 9. Britt treated us to breakfast out after to discuss her offer which she put in once we were back home after driving thru McDonald's to get her a real coffee.

not impressed to find the spray paint peeling off my pot but guess needs primer over glaze

The offer was not countered till around 2 which was along time to wait for miss B and after a few back and forths the offer was sadly not agreed upon. In the meantime she had found new flooring and researched all the utilities etc that will be needed when she does find the right place.

I worked on marketing and wrote a tutorial for the antique tray while S worked on the leak in the fan coil. We headed to town, B in her own car to drive by a few places she saw for sale and meet friends later. Our first stop was to pickup a wood table and hanging rack then meet B at Rona to look for fan coil parts with no luck.

seller pics

We tried Can Tire and Home Hardware again no luck then off to Paetz's to celebrate Amanda's birthday. Mom arrived around 6 and we ate a delicious steak supper by 7 with cake to follow brought by Mom.

Mom brought Ada's new glasses, cute!!

Samara guarding her youngest charge

birthday girl and her brood

We headed home after 10 with B heading to meet friends. S was back home after midnight getting Cooper in with her from his evening patrol with Lola.

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