Sunday, March 31, 2019

Dresser is a go ;)

Lexi was up for a drink of water after 6:30, her toe nails clicks had Cooper excited to wake up. B let them out for a bit and back in but they both could not go back to sleep for long. I got up and let Cooper and Lola out to play. Lexi then went back to sleep ;)

I did some marketing before getting started on the dresser. I painted a drawer and sent him the color to be sure. This started another day of indecision. Eventually he decided the under color could be this blue and white washed over so I painted the whole thing up.

The table tops got their final coat of poly and all was left to dry. I threw in a couple more horse blankets to be washed up for the season.

B was up late morning perusing new coffee makers seeing she cracked her glass coffee pot washing it. She did head out in the +4 windy day and put the sprinkler on in the arena and after I made my yummy fruit salad for us for lunch she went out to catch Bird to ride. I finished up in the kitchen then went and caught Switch. We worked on some trot poles and gait changes before B was going to catch Pepper for me to trim and Roo to work inside a bit. HOWEVER it seems Bird hurt her back leg acting like string halt. This had Britt doing more meds including her polyglycon shot and DMSO rub.

so what you doing with that broom lady?

I trimmed Pepper and she groomed and worked Roo. I made Pepper do some lunging then she stretched him out and let them go. It warmed up to about 11 but still so windy. I came in after 3:30 to shower as Candace was on her way to visit before picking reese up at the airport.

Roo cleared the bridle rack off and pulled brushes out of the holder

She arrived after 5 and B stayed to visit a short bit before her and Cooper set off for home. We visited as I cooked us a sausage supper and up till she left after 10:30. I spent an hour consulting the dresser guy who is now concerned the white wash look is not going to be what he wants ;/

forgot to share my view 2 nights back, and with a lake view that is now gone ;(

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Riding lesson Saturday

Wide awake after 7, on a Saturday go figure. This gave me lots of time to peruse Pinterest and it has been awhile but I was looking for long dresser paint color ideas. I let Lola out and made a cappuccino to enjoy while doing so.

The dresser fellow still has not replied as to what he is doing so I went ahead and lightly sanded all the surfaces of the dresser. The table tops were given another coat of poly. Prep work began on the matching dresser to the white vanity with missing veneer filled and all the hardware removed and drawers nailed firmly.

Inside I bagged up the silverware chest and Mom's frame to have ready to get to town for Travis to take back Monday.

After 12 I headed out in to the sunny but WINDY day to catch Switch, give her a brush and leave her tied while I loaded her tack and filled the trailer with new shavings. Once complete I loaded her and was off to pick up Sharon and Timba at 12:30.

We loaded them up and their tack and were off to our afternoon lesson. It was much longer then the hour ending after 3:30 but we did allot.  Untacking the horses and loading them up and off we went making a stop in town for a hot chai tea and slice of banana bread, thanks Sharon.  I dropped them off and back to the ranch just before 5. It was a great afternoon, thanks for coming along.

 B was brushing out the horses having arrived at the ranch around 1:30. She gave all meds and doctoring then came in and did so with Lexi who has the facial fold irritation Shaina alerted me too. B and I got it betadine cleaned and polysporin in it and will switch to another med tomorrow to dry it up.

After supper I went out and put another coat of poly on the tables while B kicked back and relaxed. At 9 pm the dresser fellow replied he wants to go ahead with the dresser ;) Let the painting begin .. tomorrow.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Dresser wild goose chase?

Oh sunny day, Rosie was cleaning away double time this am. Matt stopped to borrow the skid steer while I was marketing with my cappuccino. I posted all my dressers to paint on my FB page and soon I had the fellow who bought the navy bread box interested in the long ones. I spent allot of my day answering his questions and helping him with color choices. I did haul out the dresser he was most interested in and took out drawers and removed the hardware in hopes he follows thru.

Here is Lexi just after Kaylin got her and she stayed at our house with our new Roomba

6 years alter she is not the slightest bit worried even when it bumps into her

While out there I put the first coat of clear on the table tops after a light sanding. Furniture was rearranged under the fireball. I got 2 emails today with courier packages on the way; one is my Mexican clothes that were held hostage and the other the paint order from Toronto!

I wrote a blog post for the sofa table and got it on a few paint sites. I wrote the farmhouse nightstands blog post too but will wait a few days to go live.

Lex likes to help online and rest in Cooper's casa which she thinks is hers now

Back to the dresser to scrub it down. The fellow replied he would like it but wants it in blue. But then after I got it all scrubbed up and videos sent and colors pulled he thought maybe he found one he wanted painted. This has taken hours out of my day responding to all his questions but I guess it is part of my job ;(

The tables were poly'ed

I had cleaned the glass and put Mom's frame back together

For supper a made a healthy salad (Shaina approved but also suggested spring mix instead of romaine lettuce hahaha)

Before the sunset I wandered out and gave Bird her meds, such a lovely night. It hit 12 today and supposed to be like that tomorrow which is awesome cause I have a riding clinic at 1:30. I worked on an online hoof care course before retiring to my bed with Lexi and watched more Netflix.

another amazing sunset and our lake view

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Town trip

UP bright and early, because I have the nightstand pickup at 9 you know ;) I had time for a cappuccino and some marketing before she arrived. The great repeat customer loves Lola so after we loaded the nightstands she gave Lola her treats and rubs then was on her way.

Another cappuccino and a half hour applying via phone for a new credit card and I was on my way to hand sand the table tops and apply a coat of walnut stain. For the base for Debby's I do not have the color left so had to put in an order from the east hoping it arrives soon.

I threw in the first horse winter blanket to be washed. Looks like winter may be over ;)

Trying to get more things done I looked thru the "smalls" stack and saw a collage frame I picked up for mom. I removed the glass, cleaned it up and sprayed it flat black outside seeing it has so many edges.

Before 3 I was off to town with my lengthy list of chores. I make the list and order it before I leave to make a smooth square thru town, yep I am a bit OCD like that.

First stop was to replenish the coffee creamer then drop the paper at recycling. Dollar store supplied me with a new toilet brush and hand soap then Walmart for more goodies including a new house plant. Onward to drop off new clothes I purged at Katy's consignment and more books donated to the library. My KonMari incentive has waned a bit in my desire to paint stock I have to reduce before real spring rolls in but I am still getting the previously purged stuff to their proper places. Next was a stop to pick up a sweet little antique washstand. Yes I am on a buying freeze but this was a personal purchase made a few months back ;)

Next I stopped at the rustic nightstand customers home to apply another coat of clear wax to help her husband keep them durable. Seeing she lived close to Amanda, I stopped quick to visit with all as it was after 4 and all the kids home. My last 3 stops included Vietnamese for supper (and lunch tomorrow), milk and tulips and the mail arriving back home before 6.

After I got the groceries put away and the tulips in water I ran Bird's meds out to her then chowed down on my noodles. Time to catch up on work then headed to bed about 8:30 to finish the Netflix Disappearance of Madeline. How sad and disturbing is this show awakening us to missing children. Time to watch some uplifting projects on YouTube then a few episodes of Users Guide to Cheating Death.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Stripping and sanding kinda day

Lexi and I awoke to a light dusting of snow that arrived thru the night. It wont take long to melt it I am thinking. I staged the nightstands for a few photos.

The oak end table blog post went live then I wrote a couple for Hometalk to get credit for another feature. Yesterday the azure dresser was featured.

Today's first project is to paint the silverware chest. It got a coat of chocolate, light sanding and black wax and was complete.

The next project took about 3 hours; I decided to start Debby's end tables to match her coffee table she bought and took home last year. I took the double decker table completely apart to get to the 2nd flat surface.

All 4 surfaces were stripped then hauled outside to sand seeing it was a nice sunny afternoon.

above: top sanded bottom next in line and below coffee table ready to be sanded with Lola enjoying her bone

The 2 Montreal bound girls messaged they made it safe and sound checking into a lovely hotel and enjoying beverages with the bride to be. I watched 4 more episodes of Madeline McCann to relax my achy shoulders.