Friday, February 22, 2019

Roo rushed to Moore's

After coffee it was time to get busy starting with a almost hour phone call to Expedia to see why the hotel transfer was not included. Eventually I was given a $200 credit to be used with in a year on another trip. Well I guess we best not let it go to waste :) After catching up on work emails S headed out to plow the roads however there was some manual snow that needed to be moved before he could get the skid steer out of the shop. He also found the waterer completely dry and NOT WORKING!!

Parcels needed to be packaged up today from my Etsy sales on Saturday. I got them all boxed up and working on the shipping labels. The last one was just being completed when S came in to say I needed to look at Roo's eye he noticed as he was taking off Bird's blanket. I saw immediately it was punctured, draining down her face allot and looked infected.

the puncture was visible on the greenish filled eyeball

I got ahold of B to book a spot at the clinic, changed quick, started the truck and hooked it to the trailer after S quickly moved the snow from in front of it. I tossed in a couple apples and orange drinks then caught Roo and walked her to the far pasture gates seeing there was no way to get gates open. S after plowing us a path met me at the gate and we were off after 12.

The day was very sunny and hit 0, this was nice for us but hard on Roo's injured eye. Britt met us at 1 and soon she was in being treated by the Moore's staff. Dr Erin (who Britt works with when not with Dr Jordan) led the team. She was sedated, had her eye blocked, stained, examined and an eye med tube inserted. The damage looked like a trauma puncture that then ulcerated, fingers crossed the meds and her young age will heal it all up.

blocking her eye

staining her eye

inserting the eye tube

flushing the eye tube

She was totally enjoying the sedation

the eye tube all in and braided back

She was a great patient but once moved to her new hospital stall and she woke up she was not pleased with the quarantine and eye mask. Her wanting to eat the straw even had a muzzle on for a bit which the whole combo looked like a gas mask.

 gas mask girl

Not long and she was fully awake, B took her around to see all the rooms and barn, gave her hay to munch on and then we were off to leave her in their capable hands at 3. On route home we swung thru town to mail the parcels, grab Vietnamese for lupper, pick up a copper waterer float, drop a bag of trash, grab the mail and get home before 4:30.

3 frames and 3 remaining tiles were mailed out

The horses met us back at the house disappointed Roo was not in the trailer. S got to work on the waterer and once found the possible froze area, put the hairdryer to work on low for many hours. He was then off to bucket more snow from around the yard. I had a bite to eat then got back to updating the sold items and trying to refresh more for sale and writing blog posts.

Prince came in before 7, heated his meal and was off to the TV room for the Flames game. He checked the waterer and rolled a bale out then back to the game. He shut off the hair dryer around 10 after the Flames won. After doing my stuff I hit the tub for a soak watching a Mexico Life episode on HGTV where the couple was from Calgary. In bed I started Dirty John watching 2 episodes before calling it a night. This has been quite the day!

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