Saturday, February 9, 2019

Off to Airdrie

After coffee and a round of online marketing and surfing it was a shower and we were off to Airdrie to help B with her car trouble. The day was bright and sunny but a bone chilling -27 pretty much all day. We swung thru town to borrow a metal detector to try later in the day to find my earring.

another building idea I had saved.. love the shelves but we chose windows instead

hello Snapchat, it has been awhile

Arriving before noon, a quick look at her car and test drive had S saying it was in need of a auto repair shop, out of his wheel house. After calling all the places in Airdrie and Strathmore to find all closed it was planned that she would drive Dave's truck while he is away to the east coast till Monday to work and have him help her get it to a place later that day.

B came with us to Costco for just a few supplies as well as meet a customer wanting the large gold chalkboard. We then drove thru Tim's for a hot drink and dropped her back at her house and headed home.

Back at the ranch it was unload the supplies and put away books B sent back she borrowed. S googled how to use the metal detector then we bundled up and went to try it out. I retraced my steps and he followed along. There were a few hits but usually it turned out to be his steel toed winter boots!! I even placed my remaining on in the sand in the arena as a test but no luck finding it today ;( I fed the horses oats as a warming treat while out but man it is bitter.

S started his truck and car to let them both run for half hour or so and stay charged. I was back to my paper sorting, there is an end but it is slow as I look thru it all. Again more great memories and some I just have to keep as they spark joy and I have had them for years already, what is a few more. S rolled a bale for the horses and cleared the snow at the gate after the skid steer warmed up after 5 then he was back into the warm house.

this camping list was so thorough and was poor man laminated with clear mac tac.. I could write with dry erase, check off what I had etc and wipe clean.. so efficient

I started our last GoodFood meal, mosto cotto glazed pork chops. OH MY WORD, this was the best meal of theirs to date. Who knew pears, capers and parsley with a apple cider vinegar could taste soooo good. And the rest was really yummy too. The freekeh was ok , it reminded me of cream of wheat but looking it up says it is a cereal ;)

mosto is part of the wine process but before it turns to tangy balsamic vinegar, who knew

S was off to the TV room while I sorted more paper, mostly stacks of recipes, crafts and gardening pages. I sure am glad to have the internet and a computer to save all these files to now but looking back at what I saved found some really good recipes again.

look at this cute card I found

another snapchat filter.. so cute

banana muffins

red barn famous pumpkin torte

good ole Hanna Hamburger Salsa

I closed up writing this post at 11:30 as S came up from sports room, it is -29!! Brrrr Curdled up in bed I found Shameless season  8 was now on Netflix so watched an episode before shutting the light out while prince napped.

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