Tuesday, February 5, 2019

High of -21

A relaxing coffee in bed to start the "vacation" with the prince. He is now off for 3 weeks. The -27 morning was spent catching up, he did run out to plug his truck in and start the skid steer late morning and left to run outside house to warm up with a bale loaded. I did some quick touch ups on the blue dresser. Britt was trouble shooting her car challenges with us over the phone but eventually she got it boosted and the tires inflated and on her way here at lunch.

S rolled the bale out and started his truck then off to meet her at the tire store in town at 1:30. I was staging the bread box and making 100 trips back and forth to the garage to level the base. What a pain in the butt leveling is on old pieces!

Once they were back, B went to check her horses and adjust chubby Daisy's blanket that keeps slipping to the left. Cooper was excited to be out and running even when hitting the high of -21 at the ranch with his buddy Lola with his Carhart jacket on. I had S help me carry the vintage white dresser up as a person is coming to buy it in the morning. Unfortunately it had liquid marks on the top from inadvertently being used while in the storage bedroom. I tried multiple ways to repair but eventually had to sand it and redo the top coat. I went with two coats of wax but later in the day noticed sanding marks so my OCD had me using mineral spirits to remove the wax and applying 2 coats of clear.

B's car was done and they headed to town at 3:30. She was back not long after but S ran errands including picking up a new box of GoodFood. (the link will give you $40 off and us $25 on our account.. thank you!!) B and I went thru some of the treasures I saved for the girls to look at and chose a ring and some new steak knives. She is doing well purging her house so being selective.

Once back S trouble shot her block heater finding a cord disconnected.. this should solve the no start issue in the future. B got Cooper loaded up from his playdate with Lola and they set off for home at 5. S hit big brown and was asleep in no time while I cooked up meal #1 Spicy beef over hummus with Mediterranean salad and naan bread.

I was off to work on writing the desk blogs, I broke the process into 2 as so much info while S watched the hockey game in big brown. Part 1; stripping, sanding staining, went live then I had to touch up the dresser yet again this time with some hemp oil as it was not quite right. It was back to -28, gonna be another cold night ponies. The girls arrived safely back in Calgary and are NOT enjoying the cold weather.

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