Monday, February 4, 2019

cold snap remains

Stayed awake late and woke early wth. I was happy to see the horses were around the shelter with all blankets in place. It is a balmy -27!

Pepper the ring leader was trying to catch my eye as I peeked out basement window

I headed out at 11 again on the lookout for my earring and tossed a bale for the horses. I found the magnetic wand and searched the areas again but when I took it back to the house I found it would not attract the other one so is useless ;(

Sorting more coins from traveling along with coins collected were the next project in line. I found more money for Mexico and had fun sorting thru my unique to me pieces like this crisp $2 US

Stouts are picking up the desk so I staged a few photos. Before they arrived at 3 to get it I moved the car ahead and dollied it over to the door. It was a quick transfer once they arrived, loaded it and on their way. 

Sharon text there was a bag on our gate so I bundled up again and Lola and I walked to the gate. It had now hit the days high at -23! Without wind and sunshine it was doable out.

These were the rocks in poor Lola's feet when she came in to eat and it seems on paw is bleeding as per the tracks on the floor and the snow, ouch!

The horses came to see me on the way back.

snoopy Roo was sure the bright yellow bag had snacks in it

Inside the garage it was time to get to work. The end tables were to smelly to keep painting for Lola to live inside so I put them away and hauled out the paint drip dresser. The paint of course has a textured finish so sanding was in order. While I was sanding I did the bread box too. Now to paint the dresser the fun azure color.

While it dried I went out as it was still a bit light at 5:30 and tossed 2 more bales and gave the horses some oats to keep them warm for yet another deep freeze night. Moving on to the bread box I added some black milk paint to the edges for a rustic denim feel. The one side of the dresser had some  marks so was once again sanded and repainted. I finally got Lola in for the night and Mr J came in earlier and quickly snuggled down under the stairs. The bread box was hemp oiled too.

Time to call it quits and have a hot bowl of soup and a cold beer and gets todays blog pictures up and written. I forgot to share Britt's KonMari closet from yesterday. Good job B

The 2 older girls return from their Costa Rican adventure tomorrow. They are going to be in for a cold surprise. It seems this cold snap is reeking havoc on many vehicles. Britt's car would not start and had a flat tire, their outlet had tripped so Dave's truck would not start either. Her vet picked her up for work and mid morning her tire blew. When Sheldon arrived at the airport tonight the merc was dead too. He had to grab a tea and wait for YYC parking authority to come boost him. It was an hour wait with all others in line. He made it home before 1, plugged in his dying phone and went out to plug in his skid steer to roll a bale in the am and tossed the horses another bale on his way back. I had asked him to grab Mitzy and bring to garage but he had no luck. I donned my down fill jacket and boots headed out called her and brought her to the garage with J for the night. Then I was awake till almost 3 again, dam.

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